Category: 20th Century

  • Why Children Should Not Be Vaccinated

    Why Children Should Not Be Vaccinated Vaccination was hailed as one of the most important medical interventions of the 20th century, preventing up to 3 million pediatric deaths every year ( Diekema DS, 2005). In addition to saving millions of lives from infectious diseases, they prevent certain cancers and save billions of dollars in healthcare…

  • Essay on How Did MTV Affect American Culture in the 1980s

    Essay on How Did MTV Affect American Culture in the 1980s MTV was 1st launched on a weekday, August 1, 1981, with the phrase, Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll, and therefore The 1st music video vie on MTV was Video Killed and since terribly starting, MTV was designed as a platform for music videos.…

  • Essay on Women’s Rights in the 1930s

    Essay on Women’s Rights in the 1930s A few days ago, I visited the V&A museum. What impressed me is this Evening’s trouser suit and blouse by Gabrielle Coco Chanel (1883-1971). The trousers are made of net with sequins and the blouse is made from silk chiffon with lace and mother-of-pearl. It is worth mentioning…

  • Essay on Sexism in the 1930s

    Essay on Sexism in the 1930s In the novella Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck focuses on key social problems in the 1930s depression through the migrant workers The writer uses the characterization of Curley’s wife and Crooks to represent the sexism between men and women as well as racism between white people and colored people.…

  • Immigration in the Early 20th Century: Essay

    Immigration in the Early 20th Century: Essay Imagine having to leave one country for another with different people but more opportunity. What would that be like for a person? This is what crossed early immigrants minds on their journey to America, along with what they were aspiring to do within our country. That couldve included…

  • Essay on Racism in Alabama in the 1930s

    Essay on Racism in Alabama in the 1930s The Depression that swept through America in the 1930s greatly affected everyones life. One-quarter of the citizens lost their jobs and were looking for work. The fight to find food and a place to live created an increase in tensions among all citizens. Often women became the…

  • What Factors Led to the Outbreak of World War 2? Essay

    What Factors Led to the Outbreak of World War 2? Essay During the mid-20th century the outbreak of war proved to devastate and influence the globe into a mass war effort publication to engage the public into supporting the cause to victory. Upon the intervention of the imperial air force on the attack of pearl…

  • What Were Underlying Causes of World War 1: Essay

    What Were Underlying Causes of World War 1: Essay After the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914 and until 1918, the First World War began. During the war, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan, and the United States of America were dealt with by Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. World…

  • Why Children Should Not Be Vaccinated

    Why Children Should Not Be Vaccinated Vaccination was hailed as one of the most important medical interventions of the 20th century, preventing up to 3 million pediatric deaths every year ( Diekema DS, 2005). In addition to saving millions of lives from infectious diseases, they prevent certain cancers and save billions of dollars in healthcare…

  • Essay about Womens Employment in the 20th Century

    Essay about Womens Employment in the 20th Century It has always been implied that men have participated more in the economics of labor. However, the engaging role of women in labor has been disregarded due to the ideals of both gender distinctions. The following essay will identify the changing gender norms in economic production in…