Category: 11-Sep

  • Looming the Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11

    Looming the Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 The Boy Spies Mubarak was the president of Egypt when the events introduced in the chapter took place. Zawahiri who has been also referred to as the brains of Al Qaeda had a plan to kill Mubarak together with the Egyptian radicals during his visit…

  • Post 9/11 International Politics: Analytical Essay

    Post 9/11 International Politics: Analytical Essay Summary Contemporary terrorism is a transnational problem. Advanced, modern nation states now no longer engage in open combat with one another. Terrorism  whether it is the product of freestanding groups or of groups allied with particular states  reflects the rise of asymmetrical warfare. Terrorist acts therefore from…

  • Essay on 9/11

    Essay on 9/11 September 11th, 2001 would be remembered as the worst tragedy to ever happen to the United States. On the morning of 9/11, four planes would be hijacked in hopes of crippling the American economy. Two of the four planes would then crash into the World Trade Center in New York City leaving…

  • Critical Analysis of the Historical Lessons of 9/11

    Critical Analysis of the Historical Lessons of 9/11 On September 11th, in 2001, one of the most heart-breaking terrorist attacks in America occurred, four coordinated terrorist attacks aimed for several U.S government buildings in New York City. The attacks were unexpected, as it was a normal day in the busy New York City. Many people…

  • National Security Failures before the September 11 Attacks

    National Security Failures before the September 11 Attacks One of the greatest analytical failures before the September 11, 2001 attacks was the belief that Osama bin Laden was content being a gadfly. The policymakers were sure that the man was only interested in making trouble abroad. Post-event analysis shows that there were indeed rumblings that…

  • Hunter S Thompson 9/11: Critical Essay

    Hunter S Thompson 9/11: Critical Essay Introduction Hunter S. Thompson, known for his unique style of gonzo journalism, was an influential writer and social commentator. His writings often provided a critical analysis of contemporary events and issues. In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Thompson’s perspectives and insights on the event and its implications…

  • September 11 Turning Point Essay

    September 11 Turning Point Essay Nobody knows how different the world would be today if, on September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center didnt fall, or was even attacked at all. The World Trade Center in New York City was built in 1973. Both buildings had 110 stories and were home to about 50,000 workers…

  • September 11: a National Tragedy Essay

    September 11: a National Tragedy Essay 9/11 was the most significant act of terrorism that has ever taken place on American soil and is known as, the defining event of our time. The event not only shook and traumatized the witnesses of the attacks but all the citizens of the United States as well as…

  • 9/11 Cause and Effect Essay

    9/11 Cause and Effect Essay Introduction The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, commonly known as 9/11, were a pivotal moment in modern history. This cause and effect essay aims to explore the factors that led to the tragic events of 9/11 and examine the profound consequences that unfolded in its aftermath. Understanding the causes…

  • United States Economy Following September 11th

    United States Economy Following September 11th Introduction The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 on the World Trade Centers in New York destroyed lives and property, increased government spending at a time when the country could ill afford the excessive expenditures, and squelched corporate and consumer confidence which further slowed the economy and hindered the recovery…