Differences in Political Party Beliefs: Conservatives Versus Liberals

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Differences in Political Party Beliefs: Conservatives Versus Liberals

A political party is an organization of people with common goals and similar political practices. These behaviours are guided by sets of beliefs on how a country should be governed, political ideologies that differ from each other depending on each political party classified in different political positions in comparison to each other in what is known as the political spectrum. The Conservatives lie on the center-right of the political spectrum, the New Democratic Party, however, is on the left side of the spectrum, and the Liberals lies on the center-left of the political spectrum. The left side of the spectrum favours an activist and social reform government, as they want to make fundamental changes to better suit each and every individual. On the other hand, the right side favours limited and social tradition government, as they want authority only to a limit, while still being organized in the way the country is accustomed to. Their differences in thinking is essential in determining the party that is deserving of a vote, as it is crucial that one must understand what each political party stands for.

The Conservatives believe in individualism, placing them more towards the right side of the spectrum. They value the individual over the collective, as they trust that by letting the individual flourish, the population as a whole benefits. The Conservatives favour in less government intervention when it comes to economy and social affairs, as they want the individual to have control over their own money, instead of the government having to regulate it. This is seen in their desire to lower business and personal taxes, also lowering the social services provided to citizens. They believe in capitalism in which the countrys industry and trade are controlled by private owners instead of the state. As individualists, they also focus on smaller government. This is seen from their desire of decentralizing the federal government power to the provinces. They believe that the government should only enforce the basic rules of life in society and that each smaller group should be responsible for making decisions for themselves. They also aim for a more individual freedom, as they believe that that people can decide things for themselves. In issues regarding aborstion for example, they believe that each individual can choose for themselves, whether they are for or against abortion. They also trust that each individual should have the responsibility to manage their own money with less social services and that each individual is able to succeed with their help by creating more jobs through training and trade, which in the end contributes greatly to the general population. They value the idea of giving each individual a chance to thrive on their own to benefit the society as a whole. However, they are placed slightly towards the center of the spectrum, as they believe in social welfare. They are like the left wing in that they provide tax incentives and financial plans for families in order to help them succeed. The peoples wellbeing is ensured by the many programs provided to the citizens of Canada for those who are in need of assistance. The Conservatives fit the values of a right wing, a group that prioritizes a government that is limited yet traditional. However, they are lie in the center-right, as they consider public assistance.

The New Democratic Party is different from the Conservatives in that they believe in egalistarism, which lies in the left side of the political spectrum. Their ideology is based on the belief that all individuals are equal, therefore, everyone is deserving of equal rights and opportunities. They do so by making life more affordable for the average everyday person and advocating for the eradication of homelessness and poverty. The NDP highly believes in equality and that everyone should be given the same treatment whatever their race, culture, or gender. This is why they greatly support the equal rights for LGBTQA Canadians, workers rights, gender rights, and rights for people with disabilities, whether it be physical or mental. These examples demonstrate that the NDP very much value equality amongst all individuals. They also believe in socialism, as they advocate for the idea that all things given to citizens should be regulated by the government. They do so by giving more social services at the cost of higher taxes. They believe that corporates with bigger business should therefore contribute more to taxes than those of local businesses, as they plan to make those who can afford to pay taxes pay more in order to make them more equal to those who are not able to contribute as much. The NDP values a nation that understands and accepts diverse traditions. This is seen in their advocacy for peacekeeping and humanitarian aid for foreign countries. Equality overall is their main goal as a political party, which puts them on the left wing of the political spectrum.

The Liberals are more towards the center of the political spectrum, as they possess traits that both socialists and individualist acquire. Their ideology is based on the idea that consent is needed from the government, however, equality should be before the law. They are near the center of the political spectrum, as they support capitalism. They believe that not everything should be run by the government. For example, they think that the country’s industries should be controlled by its private owners for profit instead of the state. Their way of thinking is based on liberty. Their philosophy is based on the idea that the nation should be free of harsh restrictions that imposes on the daily lives of the citizens and how they want to view the political system. They value autonomy and freedom for each individual, that it is essential for each individual to be recognized in this democratic society of Canada. This way of thinking is very much the same as a right wing, one that favors a state that is not so restricting. However, they lie closer to the left side of the political spectrum, as, like the NDP, they also believe in equal opportunities for all genders, races, and cultures. They advocate for fairness for the middle class, as they support moderate measures to limit the economic gap between the rich and poor, by including tax break, which allows reduction in taxes for those who need it most. They also do so by ensuring that health care is available to every Canadian and that the citizens should also have access to affordable child care. They believe in the universal common good by honoring diversity and equal opportunities for all, to provide an environment that is both fair and impartial. Their way of thinking is for the people, as they believe that each individual should be able to make their own decisions. For example, they are for pro choice when it comes to the abortion debate and they are also for utiansia. They trust that all should be able to voice their own opinions, and be allowed to follow through with their decisions. Overall, they work within the established systems to further improve social justice, to ensure that the opportunities provided, the wealth, and privileges are distributed equally within the society.

The different ideologies of each political party shows what each of them stand for. It is critical for each individual to have an understanding of how each political party thinks, as each one is unique in its own way. The Conservatives are more right side, as they care more for the overall population, while the NDP are more towards the left, as they care more about equality. Since the Liberals possess both qualities it is somewhat in the middle of the political spectrum. The set of ideologies that each political party value defines who they are as a group and it is their values that helps the citizens of Canada to decide on who they think is appropriate to govern their country.

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