Will Utilization of the Warning System Provide an Increase in Notes Going Home for Bad Behavior

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Will Utilization of the Warning System Provide an Increase in Notes Going Home for Bad Behavior


Education is one of the main significant issues in the modern world, as peoples future in all spheres of life depends on the level of education. Education is the starting point for the skilled and experienced society, which provides different types of work in the country. To be educated people, students should get good knowledge at school, but sometimes they do not see the necessity of the education and their behavior at school is bad. To improve the educational system in the reference to punish students for their misconduct or for being unwilling to cope with the task, the research is going to be provided to identify which educational system stimulates children better through the number of notifications, got by their parents, the control system or the warning system are going to be investigated. To provide the research, the objectives of it will be identified, the literature review provided, to investigate current developments in the sphere, the methods of data collection, and the data will be applied to make the experiment full and trusted. Moreover, all the data and the experiment methods will be provided based on the ethical relations of people.

Purpose of study

Starting with the purpose of the study, it should be mentioned that the theme of the increase of the notes to parents will be investigated in the warning system in comparison to the control system. The number of notes will be investigated with the purpose to find out whether children become more responsible for the study in the warning system than those in the control education system. To understand the purpose of the investigation deeper, the warning system and the control systems should be understood in detail. During the warning system implementation, the parents of the students are informed about all troubles, which may appear during the education process, only when the student is noted personally several times (Peterson, 2009). Parents may be informed in the following cases when the child is absent and there is neither note nor call from parents when childrens grades slip below some certain point, a weekly attendance record may be provided to parents, a standard grade report or, vice verse, unexpectedly raised the level of the students knowledge (Electronic Gradebook, 2001, p.72). The control system provides parents with notification of every case of misconduct. The students achievements are recorded in the grade book and controlled by the teachers, and just the planned notification is provided when the semester ends or the assessment is provided. But in the case of misconduct, parents receive the notification immediately (Jurewicz & Cutler, 2003).

Research hypothesis

The investigation hypothesizes that the warning system reduces the number of notes to parents in comparison to the control system, as in the warning system, not any fact is delivered to parents, the bad behavior, as well as the extremely perfect one, the low levels of study and the unexpectedly high one, are transferred to parents in the case the students get some notifications before. The parents become the main controllers of the students education and the main question of the research is will children, who are in classrooms that utilize the warning system, have an increase in notes going home for bad behavior? The research is supported by the literature review and the experimental data, which is going to be analyzed from the chosen perspective.

Literature review

Providing the literature review on the discussed question, the question of the profit of parental involvement in the educational process should be investigated. Taylor G. R. (2004) is sure that the implementation of the warning system, which is aimed to inform parents of possible problems that children may encounter and provide strategies for correcting problems or performance before the children fail (p.136), may increase childrens successes in the education. Nelson Publishing and Marketing, and John W. Porter (2006) ensure that the usage of the Porter Analytical Strategic Summary (PASS) will increase the level of the notification of parents about students problems in the education. The PASS computer system is programmed for at least ten notifications to parents about students progress in studies. The limitation of the current system is that the behavioral notifications may not be included there and that parents receive the notification every time the student gets a bad mark, which contradicts the main measurement of the warning system.

Donoghue, D. M., Wakefield, S., & Collins, E. (2005) are sure that the warning system will increase the notes going to parents as parents will be notified about all types of misconduct of children and stress on a variety of types to make parents know about the problem, such as newsletters, telephoning, e-mail, classroom/school Websites, parent conferences, telephone conferences, report cards (p.89). Describing the connection between punishment and discipline, Webb J. T., Gore J. L., and Amend E. R. (2007) say that some parents do not understand that yelling at children for their bad behavior will not provide disciplinary behavior for children at school. The inability of parents, who were notified about the bad conduct of their children, to make them behave better increases the number of notes, which go to their homes. As the result, the more notifications are sent to parents, the higher the students misbehavior is provided. Jeffrey S. Nevid (2008) also agrees that the punishment, which is provided by parents does not change students behavior and the notification about their misconduct will continue to increase. All these notifications are not used in the control education system, as only teachers are involved in the educational process, and teachers are just notified about the results of some assessments and the results of the terms.

Some scholars still think that the warning system will allow reducing the number of parents notifications. Cynthia Franklin, Mary Beth Harris, and Paula Allen-Meares (2006) are sure that warning time or advance notice& can give people time& for fear ad anxiety increase (p.550) that, in its turn, may give students the understanding of the incorrectness of their behavior, which may be improved. According to Joseph T. McCann (2002), the notification may create panic among students and their behavior will be changed for the better before the threat of being punished (p.95).

Research design

The research design of the current investigation is the experiment, which is going to be held in two groups, one of which is going to work under the warning system and the other under the control system. The data which is going to be collected will be analyzed and the conclusion provided whether the warning system increases the number of notifications or not. Moreover, the investigation also involves the literature review, which is going to support the experimental issues and either to confirm them or to deny, referencing the fact which group will be sent more notifications home from the school.


Subjects will be drawn from the Fulton County School District. Two groups will take part in the experiment. Group 1 will consist of 20 students (10 females and 10 males randomly drawn from the classroom pool of 100 students). Group 2 will consist of 20 students selected by using the same method as group 1. The differences in the educational process of the groups will be based on the system of their education. The first group will receive the warning system and group 2 will serve as the control group and will not receive any warning any inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. The specific of the experiment is that children in the warning system of education will receive the notification cards and every fourth note of misbehavior on them will give the teacher the right to notify the parents about the misbehavior. The control group will not be given such cards and will be either send to the Principals office or the note to the parents will be provided. The value of the experiment is that the literature review did not show any experiments of that kind. Most of the experiments are provided with the reference of the very nature of punishment or the consequences of it, so the experiment may be valued for its innovation.


The main variable of the experiment may be the increase of the notifications in the warning system or its reduction, depending on the results of the experiment, which are going to be provided. The variability will depend on students ability to understand the hazards of the notification and their desire to reduce the effect of parental punishment or even to reduce it to a minimum by the change of their conduct with the increase of the notes on their conduct cards.

Methods of data collection

The method of data collection of the experiment was carefully searched and has possessed the following structure. The parents and the teacher will be provided with a report for each child. They will be asked to provide how many notes each child received home and the reason for the note for one month. A week before the start of the experiment the parents and teachers will be asked to chart how many notes were sent home for each child and the reason to serve as a baseline measurement. This will determine if the warning system is helpful or not in dealing with behavior in a classroom setting. A behavior questionnaire was completed by the parent and teachers on the first day the warning system begins and the last day of the study. This questionnaire will serve as a means of measuring childrens normal behavior patterns within the classroom.

So, at the very beginning of the experiment, parents, and teachers will be asked to identify the number of usual notifications, which are received and sent by them, as well as the same procedure will be asked to be provided at the end of the experiment, in one month. The two groups of 20 students each will be conducted differently. During the experiment, the misconducts of the first group, which is educated in the reference to the warning strategy, was noted about their misconducts on their cards and only every fourth misbehaviors was send to parents, while the second group was either sent to the Principals office and/or have a note sent home to the parent.

Data analysis procedures and ethics and human relations

Providing the data analysis, which is received after the experiment, the parents of the students in the warning systems groups were notified less than the students in the control system group. Such results of the experiment may be explained by the ethical relation of students to their teachers and the conscious understanding of their behavior. The ethical relations between the teacher and the student depend on the following issues, such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status (Fisher, 2003, p.59). Children, knowing that if they will provide four misconducts will be punished, tried to reduce such number and to behave better in order not to disappoint their parents and not to make children notify their parents. The respect to age and socioeconomic status is observed here. David Bornstein (2004) identifies that in the current situation, not rules made students behave differently, but their emphatic attitude to both teachers and parents (p.48). The empathy in students characters was the reason, why students tried not to get four notifications, which could cause the parental notification of the students misbehavior.


In conclusion, the experiment was provided to measure the notification numbers in the warning system education when the warning system is implemented. Two groups of 20 students each took part in the experiment, where two different educational systems were implemented, a warning system and a control system. The experiment showed that the number of notifications to parents has reduced in the comparison with the controlled group system. The results of the experiment did not coincide with some information which was provided in the literature review, as the number of notifications reduces in the warning system education because of the ethical human relations, which are promoted by the differences in age and socioeconomic position of students, parents, and teachers. Knowing that the fourth misbehavior will be sent to parents, children try to review their conduct to avoid the notification.


Bornstein, D. (2004). How to change the world: social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas. Oxford University Press US, Oxford.

Donoghue, D. M., Wakefield, S., & Collins, E. (2005). A Guide for Beginning Elementary Teachers: Getting Hired and Staying Inspired. Teacher Ideas Press, Portsmouth.

Electronic Gradebook Products Change the Way Teachers Do Business in the Classroom. (2001). T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education), 29(4), 72-73.

Fisher, C. B. (2003). Decoding the ethics code: a practical guide for psychologists. SAGE, New York.

Franklin, C., Harris, M. B., & Allen-Meares, P. (2006). The school services sourcebook: a guide for school-based professionals. Oxford University Press US, Oxford.

Jurewicz, L. & Cutler, T. (2003). High tech, high touch: library customer service through technology. ALA Editions, Chicago.

McCann, J.T. (2002). Threats in schools: a practical guide for managing violence. Routledge, Oxford.

Nelson Publishing and Marketing, Porter, J. W. (2006). Educational Leadership for the 21st Century: A Performance-Based, Results-Driven, Whole-School Reform. Nelson Publishing & Marketing, Northville.

Nevid, J. S. (2008). Psychology: Concepts and Applications. Cengage Learning, London.

Petersons. (2009). 440 Great Colleges for Top Students 2010. Petersons, Lawrenceville.

Taylor, G. R. (2004). Practical application of classroom management theories into strategies. University Press of America, New York.

Webb, J. T. Gore, J.L., & Amend, E. R. (2007). A Parents Guide to Gifted Children. Great Potential Press, Inc., Scottsdale.

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