Role of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird

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Role of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird

Atticus Finch pl0yed 0 cruci0l role in To Kill 0 Mockinbird. He pl0yed the role of the l0wyer which took pl0ce in M0ycomb, 0l0b0m0. In his whole f0mily, he w0s the only one who bec0me 0 l0wyer. He w0s very c0lm thought every situ0tion. He w0s 0 decent person in the book 0nd he represents the Volt0ire’s qu0te th0t rel0te the princip0l ch0r0cter 0tticus Finch. The m0in qu0lities th0t represent him 0re emp0thy, cour0ge 0nd leg0l justice, which was represented by him through the story.

First, Atticus is the ch0r0cter whos displ0ys the most emp0thy tow0rd other in the novel, 0nd he is prim0rly ex0mple of the import0nceof this theme in the novel. His gre0t ex0mples of emp0thy tow0rds the 0fric0n 0meric0ns of M0ycomb, the less fortun0te of M0ycomb, 0nd even his opponents in court help him to te0ch his children the skill of emp0thy. In ch0pter 3, Atticus spe0k with Scout 0bout her first d0y 0t school. She expl0ins wh0t h0d 0ccrued with 0tticus 0bout her te0cher. 0tticus tried to convey his point of view, 0nd he w0s s0ying people should see wh0t it is like in their shoes, you never know 0 m0n until…’ This wise qu0te c0n do wonders for our society bec0use nowd0ys we 0re judgmen0tl 0nd un0w0re of difficult situation th0t influence the beh0vior of invidu0ls. ‘Atticus s0id people were poor bec0use the f0rmers were poor…Cunningh0ms h0d no money to p0y 0 l0wyer, they simply p0id us with wh0t they h0d,’ (p27). One more example is when Atticus shows emp0thy tow0rds the Ewells ‘There is nothing more sickening to me th0n 0 low-gr0de white m0n who’ll t0ke 0dv0nt0ge of 0 Negro’s ignor0nce,’ (p 296). Atticus was able to raise above to society and he has the power to represent empathy in his doings.

Second, Atticus Finch as a man of integrity he possesses both a brave heart and a courageous soul. Atticus teaches his children what courage is, in chapter 10 ‘I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is…’. Atticus shows courage by making the shot, as he must kill the dog before it can hurt anybody, and only has one shot to do and he did. Atticus makes Jem go to Mrs. Dubose’s house and read to her every day, most people would not feel any obligation to be fair and just to a person like Mrs. Dubose. Atticus is exceptional in this regard, even though Mrs. Dubose castigates him publicly, he will not change how he behaves toward her. Atticus explains what real courage is to teach his children. Acting as the defense attorney for Tom Robinson is by far the most courageous of his acts because the consequence of this commitment has a dangerous impact on Atticus’s personal life and the life of his family. Atticus shows an act of moral courage throughout the novel in what he says, does, and teaches to his children.

Third, the character of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird has had a lasting impact on the legal world and society, and still remains a relevant figure for todays justice system. Atticus believes everyone should be treated equally. No matter who Atticus puts in danger he treats everyone fairly. Atticus shows his children how to respect people and treat them right no matter what the other person does or says to them. Atticus symbolizes equality and justice not only in the courtroom but outside of the courtroom. ,, I’m no idealist to believe firmly in the integrity of our courts and in the jury system- that is no ideal to me, it is a living, working reality. ‘ (chapter 20) . Another reason Atticus approaches the courts justice so gravely is that he wants to instill values in his children. He wants them to learn right from wrong, and he wants to model that behavior.

In conclusion, Atticus Finch displayed Voltaire’s quotes relate in characteristics like emp0thy, cour0ge 0nd leg0l justice in every person that surrounds his family, he treats the same equally no matter how he is looking or how he did in other situations. Atticus demonstrates his courage in the situation to kill the sick dog and to solve the case of Tom Robbinson. He took a tough case which in that time no one would have done. He represents legal justice, and if the society at large like with emulating him it would be more justice in the world. His character is very much respected. The story teaches us that in bad times there are still honorable people amongst us.

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