Negative Effects of Antidepressants

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Negative Effects of Antidepressants


The effects of antidepressant drugs have been a topic of discussion over a long period of time. Medical experts and other scholars have tried to justify that the effects act as a means to an end claiming that they are bearable consequences geared towards a good cause. However, as years go by, new and improved drugs are finding their way to the stores and their effects on the human body seem to be getting worse. The purpose of this paper shall be to put these drugs in the limelight. The negative effects that arise from the use of these drugs shall be discussed in detail to further analyze whether the end does indeed justify the means. Recommendations shall also be made on the alternatives that can be used in place of these life-threatening drugs. By the time this paper concludes, irrefutable evidence will have been provided discrediting the use and presence of antidepressant medications.


It can positively be assumed that human physiology is perhaps the most delicate field in the medical arena. Over the years, several complications have been documented and others are still being uncovered that affect the well-being of human beings. Depression is a representation of one such complication and it is therefore important that some time be dedicated to effectively addressing all the issues that may arise from this condition and at the same time find lasting solutions and cures for the same. In light of this, medical providers are often under pressure to improve the quality and effectiveness of the drugs that are administered to handle this disease. Due to the alarming rate at which people from varied age brackets are being diagnosed with this condition, there has been an increase in demand for the drugs used to check it. This has consequently led to the flooding of the drugs in the markets; some with questionable quality and as a result, too many people are being prescribed antidepressant drugs causing other life-altering effects. The paper will firstly define the nature of the disease, its causes, and its effects. A list of the available treatments for this condition shall also be offered. It will then focus on the negative behavioral and mental effects that can be observed as a result of using antidepressants as a form of treatment.

A brief view of depression

According to Breggin (2001), the definition of depression has over the years changed. However, what remains conclusive is the fact that depression refers to a mental disorder characterized by moodiness, pessimism, and a general lack of interest in life and almost everything else. Many causes lead to depression. Among them include the death of loved ones, conflicts with family members, genetics, physical and sexual abuse, and drastic changes of environments. Many people who suffer from depression often lack the ability to recover from this state unless medical intervention is provided. The condition has some very serious effects on both the physical and mental capabilities of the suffering person. For example, the person may exhibit a lack of sleep, loss of appetite, fatigue, and also they are susceptible to diseases. There are a variety of treatments available to handle this condition. Patients can use therapy as a means to counter depression. This is one through dialogue or hypnosis where the patients are encouraged to open up and discuss the issues that are burdening them. Through this dialogue, they can be able to realize some peace of mind and consequently reduce or even recover from depression.

Breggin acclaims that the use of electroshock has also been proven useful during the treatment of depression (2008). In addition to this, there are speculations that natural treatments such as meditation exercise, yoga and even tai chi have in the past helped people suffering from depression achieve full recovery. This is because these methods demand a lot of concentration and brain activity thereby shifting most of the brain resources into the activity rather than the troubling issues and ahelpinghelp the people unwind, meditate, and relax their brain and bodies. However, among the treatment methods available, the use of antidepressants has over the decades yielded the best of results. This is because the prescribed medication is often designed to suppress specific feelings and therefore they are more accurate irrespective of the type of depression that a person may be suffering from.

Negative effects of antidepressants to the brain

Antidepressants have been used to treat depression and the results in most cases have proved to be successful. However there has been documented proof that most of these drugs have adverse effects on the brain and they consequently affect the performance and efficiency of some major parts of the brain. In addition to this, the use of antidepressants has been known to increase the likely hood of suicide in many cases. Breggin reiterates that antidepressants can in some cases worsen and even lead to the development of such conditions as agitated depression (2001). He puts more emphasis by saying that antidepressants increase the tension levels, agitation, and aggression of the person who uses them.

In addition to this, the use of serotonin inhibitors (SSRIs) impairs the bodys ability to efficiently metabolize serotonin in the body. Serotonin plays an important role in the body and is concentrated in the digestive tract. If not metabolized by the cells, serotonin can affect the contraction of smooth muscles like those of the guts, the elasticity of blood vessels, and respiratory as well as cardiovascular systems. This means that the use of antidepressants has a high chance of cropping up further and more serious complications. SSRIs have also been known to tamper with emotional control thereby increasing the chances of anger and mood swings. Also, they reduce the sexual libido, lead to erectile dysfunctions in some cases, and are believed to double the chances of suicide thus the regulation by the FDA to include this message on all the SSRIs.

On the same note, antidepressants have been known to induce insomnia (general lack of sleep) in some cases. This can be attributed to the fact that some of these drugs contain traces of adrenaline which is used to boost performance and activity in the brain and the entire body as well. Additionally, antidepressants also affect the appetite of most individuals who use them. Among other side effects of these drugs are; nausea, fatigue, general dislike to everything, and weight gain of about 5-25 kg throughout their usage.

The most disturbing fact about antidepressants is their addictive capabilities. Some of these drugs contain in their constitution elements what increase the bodys dependency on them. As a result, the body cannot function optimally without the presence of such drugs. This affects the performance of the people. In research carried out about the effects of antidepressants on the brain; the images retrieved that continuous use of antidepressants led to brain damage. An experiment conducted using rats showed that over time, the brain cells were severely damaged and lost their shape. The results also indicated that these drugs often affect the neural system thus affecting most of the body functions. Evidence of this in humans would be such characteristics as severe tremors/shaking, stammering, or lack of motor coordination in most cases.

Negative effects of antidepressants on personal behavior

About antidepressants have been known to alter the behavior of the people taking them. According to Breggin, behavioral changes brought about by the use of antidepressants are often gradual and may kick in after a time duration of six weeks after the first dose (2001). The changes that are more likely to manifest themselves include constant drowsiness which especially occurs if the patient is using Prozac as the main antidepressant. In addition to this, the use of SSRIs does also contribute to the change of behavior characterized by patients suffering from depression. The effects of these drugs often vary in relation to the duration they have been used. For example, depression patients who have used the drugs over a long period of time claimed that they experienced nightmares or vivid dreams when they slept.

In other occasions, patients confess to losing their afferent signals. This kind of complication is brought about by the continuous effects that the antidepressants have on the nervous system and particularly the neurons that facilitate the encoding of pain messages to the brain. As a result, the people under such duress react very slowly to stimuli and pain. Breggin adds on by saying that antidepressants are also responsible for the isolated cases where people develop a behavior of talking to themselves (monologue) or even use hand signals to express what they want to say. On the same note, irrefutable proof has been provided pointing to the fact that some of these drugs actually double the chances of suicidal tendencies among the children and adolescent that uses these drugs (2008). One such drug is Paxil which was distributed by Glaxosmith pharmaceutical company. Statistics carried out over the use of this particular drug indicated that majority of the young people who used the drug either committed suicide or showed signs of doing it.

Among the current issues, theories have been developed suggesting that there exists a relationship between antidepressants and substance abuse. As earlier mentioned, some of these drugs have proven to be addictive in nature (Cohen and Breggin, 1999). Even after the patients are cured, their bodies still require the use of the drug to function properly. If the drugs are not available, the patients result in using other drugs in order to generate the same effect or feelings similar to those presented by the drug. Vices such as alcoholism and other forms of drug abuse are therefore likely to occur in such cases. In addition to this, the withdrawal syndrome exhibited as a patient ceases to use these drugs is in some cases very serious. This is because the drugs tend to interrupt some physiological processes and as a result, the body has to change in order to accommodate these changes. Breggin reiterates that during the withdrawal process, the patient possesses characteristics such as constant shivers, stomach upsets, dryness of the mouth among others (1999). Also the drugs tend to weaken the immune system therefore when the patients stop using the drugs they become more susceptible to other ailments.


According to Breggin (2000) the number of children and adolescents suffering from depression is alarmingly high. This he attributes to the fact that they have been neglected by their parents who are often too busy to have a relationship with them. As a result these persons generate feelings of rejection and loneliness which further pushes them into drug abuse and consequently depression. It is therefore important that parents involve themselves to the lives of their children in order to reduce the chances of them being depressed. Such efforts will go a long way because most people who are depressed at childhood are more likely to stay depressed throughout their life.

On the same note, new and improved regulations should be put in place to govern the manufacturing, testing and sale of antidepressants. This should be done because there are more negative effects from these drugs than there are positives proving the need for more research to provide the public with quality treatment that meets their needs and maintain their normal physical and mental well being. Alternatively the human race may spare some time within their busy schedules and involve themselves in some of the natural methods of preventing depression and relieving stress as recommended by most doctors (Levin, 2003). This not only provides physical and mental strengths but it is one way that they can liberate themselves from the adverse effects that come with the use of antidepressants.


From the discussion above, we have learned about depression, its causes and the effects that arise from the condition. The available methods of treatments have also been mentioned. The possible side effects from the use of antidepressants as a form of treatment have also been highlighted at length. It is therefore safe to say that depression is in fact a very serious condition and should not be taken lightly. Its effect on our social and psychological welfare is too great to bear and it threatens our very own existence. As such more resources should be directed towards finding a permanent solution to this disorder. By so doing, we all shall have contributed in the creation of a better future for ourselves and most importantly, for the generations to come.


Breggin, P, R. (2000). Reclaiming our children: a healing solution for a nation in crisis. USA: Perseus pub.

Breggin, P, R. (2001). The antidepressant fact book: what your doctor wont tell you about Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, and Luvox. USA: Perseus Pub.

Breggin, P, R. (2008). Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex. USA: Springer Publishing Company

Cohen, D, & Breggin, P, R. (1999). Your drug may be your problem: how and why to stop taking psychiatric drugs. USA: Perseus pub.

Levin, B, E. (2003). Commonsense Rebellion: Taking Back Your Life from Drugs, Shrinks, Corporations, and a World Gone Crazy. Continuum International Publishing Group.

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