Analysis of Importance of Sanitation and Hygiene at Hotel Industry: A Thesis Proposal

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Analysis of Importance of Sanitation and Hygiene at Hotel Industry: A Thesis Proposal


Proposals talks about the importance of sanitation and personal hygiene in the field of hotel industry due to which many customers can be attracted towards the hotel. At present condition most of the people those who visited to hotel from different places are so much conscious about sanitation and good hygienic environment for spending their quality time on the basis of different research methodologies. And with the help of analysis we come to the conclusion that sanitation and food hygiene plays important role at hotel for increasing industry.

Key words: food, hospitality, hygiene, sanitation, quality

Chapter – 1


1.1 Background of the Study:

Since the world business environment is changing day-to-day, we need to constantly improve and increase the productivity of Business. Since the world is shifting from manufacturing to hotel industry, we need to think about the factors that will affect the efficiency of hotel industry. Hotel business is one of the growing business across the world. It has an important impact on the economy as well as living standard of the people. Since it is one of the widely practiced business, there is high competition in the market. Without considering different factors that will contribute to the sanitation and hygiene of the hotel business. It is difficult to make our customers satisfied. So, a business need to identify the importance of sanitation and hygiene at hotel industry. Sanitation is the maintenance of hygiene conditions through services such as garbage collection and waste disposal- World Health Organization.

Good hygiene and sanitation are of prior importance for everyone catering to the food industry. Be it home or any star rated restaurant, the food that we eat follows a large number of steps before it reaches us. From the plantation farm to the food store-houses, then to the markets, then to the vendors and then finally to us. So sanitation and hygiene are something that need to be taken into serious consideration at each and every level be it the areas where the food is prepared, manufactured or served to be kept clean always. The first is the formal sector made up of permanent restaurants and hotels where most governmental regulations are applied. The great variety service for sale by the vendors contributes to the provision of varied diet but poor hygienic and sanitation conditions of hotels entail health risks. This may prevent inspectors from having the appropriate status and authority to implement food inspection and at the same time resist political influence and corruption at both local and national levels. An accurate hotel concept will make hotel run smoothly and customers feel comfortable. Maintaining a clean hotel environment is critical in preventing bad environment illness. Bacteria can grow on unsanitary surfaces. Just because a hotel environment looks clean does not mean that it is sanitary. Always ensure that you clean and sanitize a hotel area before and after giving service to the customer. Cleaning with soap and other detergents is just one step of the cleaning procedure. It is also necessary to sanitize. Cleaning will remove any dirt or grease, but will not necessarily kill any bacteria or other pathogens. Only a sanitizer will kill bacteria and ensure the area is safe for food preparation. Leading sanitizers used in the food service industry are chlorine solutions (bleach), quaternary solutions and iodine. Use these materials according to the manufacturers instructions that accompany the product and that are found on the material safety data sheet (MSDS) using the appropriate personal protective equipment. A sanitation plan is important in any food service preparation area. It ensures that all surfaces are cleaned on a regular basis and reduces the risks of transferring bacteria or other pathogens from an unclean surface to clean equipment such as cutting boards or tools. A sanitation plan has two components: A list of cleaning and sanitizing agents or supplies with instructions on their safe use and storage A cleaning schedule, outlining how each item needs to be cleaned, who is responsible, and how frequently it happens. It is imperative for safe food-handling outcomes for all workers to be familiar with standard sanitation and hygiene practices. (

Foods should preferably be consumed immediately after preparation or held at temperature outside the danger zone which inactive or killed bacteria. The danger zone is the temperature range between 5 °C and 63°C within which most bacteria grow best.

Despite proper temperature control human contamination of food is possible, unless specific and constant hygienic practices are implemented. Healthy employees could transfer microorganisms present on or in their bodies or else they could be carrier of measure illness.

Therefore, thorough medical examination mandatory is required to declare all food handlers free from infection. Cleanliness should be the basis of all food sanitation programs and should be aimed at food protection as well as improving and maintain quality of food. The responsibility of the food service workers is to break the chain of transmission of diseases causing organisms causing organisms from carriers to food and vice-versa. This in turn would:

  • a. Prevent outbreaks of food borne diseases.
  • b. Reduce changes of spoilage of food.
  • c. Maintain of personal hygiene and sanitation
  • d. Control wastage of money and food due to spoilage.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Around the world, sanitation problems are the cause of many types of disease and death. The World Health Organization reports that problems associated with sanitation result in four percent of all deaths, and nearly six percent of all illnesses worldwide. Sanitation problems are particularly difficult for people with impaired immunity, the elderly, and the very young. Understanding sanitation problems is an important step in eliminating them.

‘Health is Wealth’- needless to say about the truth of this proverb. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being. It is not the matter to study here. In hotel industry we use the term Personal Hygiene which is most essential for every staffs and customers of the hotel industry. As per hotel terminology the meaning of hygiene is preventive, protection and destruction of harmful bacteria which contaminate in various ways. In other word one infected or contaminated by any polling or impure substance everywhere in the street. There is proverb’ prevention is better than cure’. So we can easily say that if their is problems than obviously there is solutions. (

1.3 Objectives of the Study:

To measure practice of Sanitation, Personal Hygiene and Hotel Environment in Hotel Industry.

Specific Objectives:

  • To know the impact of sanitation on Hotel Industry.
  • To know about food poisoning and food contamination in kitchen.
  • To find out personal hygiene and sanitation to be followed by kitchen hygiene.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study deals with the health and sanitation on the field of hotel industry. This study has some significance such as;

  • This study helps to maintain a high standard of personal hygiene and cleanliness.
  • This study helps to improves country’s image.
  • This study helps to follow strict sanitation and hygiene guidance.

1.5 Limitation of the Study

Around the world, sanitation problems are the cause of many types of disease and death. The World Health Organization reports that problems associated with sanitation result in four percent of all deaths, and nearly six percent of all illnesses worldwide. Sanitation problems are particularly difficult for people with impaired immunity, the elderly, and the very young. Understanding sanitation problems is an important step in eliminating them.

The discharge of untreated waste into water systems is one of the most common sanitation problems. This creates multiple issues, such as polluting drinking water, creating a breeding ground for insects that spread disease, and exposing bathers to infectious disease. Contaminating the water sources also has an indirect affect on health by exposing foods, such as vegetables and fish, to the pathogens present in contaminated water. Not only does this contaminate the food supply, but it also reduces the amount of food available.

Contaminated wells are another sanitation problem. In areas that rely on hand dug wells, the typically shallow depth of the wells often allows for contamination from the groundwater. The overcrowded living conditions and the improper disposal of waste result in contaminated groundwater.

1.6 Chapter Plan:

The thesis will be divided into five chapters excluding preliminary sections and Appendix. The preliminary section will include title page, approval page, acknowledgement, table of contents, list of tables and figures, acronyms and abstract. The research is divided into different parts. The last part includes references.

1.6.1 Introduction

Chapter one includes the background of the study and introduction of the study area. The chapter also includes the research problem, objectives of the research and limitations of the study.

1.6.2 Review of Literature

Chapter two contains review of literature. A review of the literature is done in this chapter. Literature about evolution of the hygiene and sanitation in hotel.

1.6.3 Research Methodology

Chapter three includes research methodology. A methodology followed for the research such as type of research, techniques of data collection is described in this chapter.

1.6.4 Presentation and Analysis of Data

Chapter four includes the interpretation and the analysis of the data obtained through survey, interview and other different methods. It is the systematic arrangement or presentation of the data using appropriate statistical tools.

1.6.5 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Lastly, chapter five contains results, summary, conclusion, recommendation and references at the end of this research. Recommendation will be based on the findings of the research.

Chapter  2

Review of literature

Review of Literatures is supposed to revise the eminent literature relating to the various book, article, journals, bulletins, report news, statement, and project work etc. The main purpose is to find out what works have been done in the area of the research problem under the study and what has been done in the field of research study being undertaken.

Sanitation is the hygienic means of promoting health through prevention of human contact with the hazards of wastes. Hazards can be physical, microbiological, biological or chemical agents of disease. Wastes that can cause health problems include human and animal feces, solid wastes, domestic wastewater industrial wastes and agricultural wastes. (Essential of food safety and hygeiene- David Zachary McSwane, Nancy Roberts Rue, Richard Linton).

Food safety is a matter that affects anyone who eats food. Whether or not a person consciously thinks about food safety before eating a meal, a host of other people have thought about the safety of that food, from farmers to scientists to company presidents to federal government officials and public health officials. Ensuring the safety of food is a shared responsibility among producers, industry, government, and consumers. Safe food is food that is free not only from toxins, pesticides, and chemical and physical contaminants, but also from microbiological pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, and viruses that can cause illness.(Principle of food sanitation- Norman G. Marriott, Robert0B.Gravani).

Food safety is responsibility of every person who involved in food service operation to handle food.According to Nieto-Montenegro, Brown and Labarde (2008), general food handling mistakes beside serving contaminated raw food also includes inadequate cooking, heating, or reheating of food consumption of food from unsafe sources, cooling food inappropriately and allowing too much of a time lapse. Those errors might lead to food poisoning. Many studies identify the need for training and education of food handlers in public hygiene measures on microbiological food hazards, temperature ranges of refrigerators, cross contamination and personal hygiene (Ogden, 2003; Bas et. al., 2004;Worsfold and Griffith, 2010). However, in some preceding studies show no differences between staff who attended educational course with those who did not (Almanza, Namkung, Ismail and Nelson, 2007; Afifi and Abshelaibi, 2012). This statement is supporting by several studies (Compos, Cardoha, Pinheiro,Ferreira, Azevedo and Stamford, 2009; Thobaben, 2010) and it shows that although training may increase

Such as person thinks that preparing and handling food hygiene is important and necessary, they are likely intend to engage the behaviour. Vladimirov (2011) point outs the correlation of positive behaviour, attitudes and continued education of food handlers towards the maintenance of safe food handling practices. Contradict with Bas et. al. (2004) in their study establish that attitude scores of the food handlers toward foodborne diseases prevention and control was poor as well as hygiene practices scores were even low.

Social cognitive models from the area of health psychology frequently posited as important implement in improving both forecast and intervention research in safe food handling (Rennie, 1995). One such model is Health Belief Model (HBM) by Rosenstock in year 1975; which considers barriers and benefits of engaging in safe food handlings as well, as how severe food poisoning is seen to be and the degree of susceptibility to the illness. HBM consists of five variables but the researcher is focusing on two variables related to study that perceived susceptibility and barrier of taking actions. Perceived susceptibility is belief on perceived chances that one can influence by specific condition or disease (Azjen, 1980; Hilton,2002). For example, it would be presume that more susceptible one feels to foodborne illnesses, the more critical one would foresee the outcomes. As for perceived barriers are indicative of the challenges one expects when attempting to engage in health behaviour. For example food handlers believe that washing hands would avoid foodborne illness, but they identify time constraints and lack of facilities is barrier to comply with this behaviour.

It is necessary food handler to have responsibility for ensuring the production of safe foods, and their knowledge, attitudes and practice preventing from any food poisoning cases (Angelillo, 2000). Human handling errors have been responsible for most outbreak of foodborne illness.

In preventing human error, channeling hygiene knowledge through education may reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Gibson et al. (2002) suggest people who involved in providing, processing and service of meal required to involved with hygienic food preparation and the education. This demonstrates that the level of education is a significant factoring ensuring and main training appropriate food practices (Jianu & Chi_, 2012).

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework


Hypothesis: The Sanitization, Personal Hygiene and Hotel Environment are significantly important for growing hotel industry and also to attract the customer for their satisfaction.

  • H1: Sanitation has a significant effect on the Customer satisfaction in Hotel.
  • H2: Personal Hygiene plays the significant role on the hotel industry.
  • H3: Hotel Environment has a significant impact on the customer satisfaction.

Chapter 3

Research methodology

Research methodological aspect is a procedure used in making a systematic observation, obtaining data evidence or information as part of a research project or study.

To know in-depth information about the topic the researcher will discuss with the professional related for several times and other related secondary information. For the preparation of the report data will be collected from both primary as well as secondary sources which will include; text books, research articles, journals and related website links. This chapter contains a brief description of methodology that a researcher will use to fulfill the research objectives at various stages of the research.

3.1 Research Design:

Exploratory research design will be used to conduct the study. A research design is a plan of the proposed research work. A research model or design represents a compromise dictated by mainly practical considerations. Research design is a research plan providing guidelines to researcher to get answer of the research objectives and to help control experimental and error variance of a particular research problem.

3.2 Sources of Data:

Primary data will be used for the study and the data will directly be collected from hotel users. It involves collecting data from the chefs using interview whereas secondary sources involves using already published materials such as reports, websites, etc.

3.3 Population and Sample

Various hotels of Bhaktapur in Durbar square.

3.4 Data Collection Instrument:

The well-structured questionnaire will be used to collect data from the consumers of the hotels.

3.4.1 Conceptual Model

The model of this study is presented in the figure below. In this model, importance of sanitization and hygiene in hotel industry, will be studied.

3.4.2 Brand Equity Dimensions

To measure the importance of sanitation and hygiene in the field of hotel industry, three factors i.e. Sanitation, Personnel hygiene and Hotel Environment are adopted.

  • a) Sanitation
  • b) Personal Hygiene
  • c) Hotel Environment

3.5 Structured Questionnaire:

The following will be the research question for the study:

  • How sanitation, personal hygiene and hotel environment plays important role in hotel industry?

3.6 Data Analysis Procedure

The discrete frequencies will be examined to identify mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values. Then, correlation and regression of the four dimensions will be examined. Simple random sampling technique will be applied to collect samples. Priority, as respondents, will be given to those who are, at least, frequent visitors of the hotels.

3.7 Data Collection Procedure

The exploratory design will be experimental in terms of nature of investigation. To successfully carry out the study, the primary data will be collected through collective questionnaire. Respondents will be met at different hotels.

Chapter  4

Summary and conclusion

4.1 Summary

Good hygiene and sanitation are of prior importance for everyone catering to the food industry. Be it home or any star rated restaurant, the food that we eat follows a large number of steps before it reaches us. From the plantation farm to the food store-houses, then to the markets, then to the vendors and then finally to us. So sanitation and hygiene are something that need to be taken into serious consideration at each and every level be it the areas where the food is prepared, manufactured or served to be kept clean always. Access to improved water and sanitation facilities does not, on its own, necessarily lead to improved health. There is now very clear evidence showing the importance of hygienic behavior, in particular hand-washing with soap at critical times: after defecating and before eating or preparing food. Hand-washing with soap can significantly reduce the incidence of diarrhea, which is the second leading cause of death amongst children under five years old. In fact, recent studies suggest that regular hand-washing with soap at critical times can reduce the number of diarrhea bouts by almost 50 per cent.

Exploratory research design will be used to conduct the study. Good hand-washing practices have also been shown to reduce the incidence of other diseases, notably pneumonia, trachoma, scabies, skin and eye infections and diarrhea -related diseases like cholera and dysentery. The promotion of hand-washing with soap is also a key strategy for controlling the spread of Avian Influenza (bird flu).The key to increasing the practice of hand-washing with soap is to promote behavioural change through motivation, information and education. There are a variety of ways to do this including high-profile national media campaigns, peer-to-peer education techniques, hygiene lessons for children in schools and the encouragement of children to demonstrate good hygiene to their families and communities. See the hygiene promotion page [link: Hygiene promotion page] for more information. Various hotels of Kathmandu City. Primary data will be used for the study and the data will directly be collected from hotel users. It involves collecting data from the chefs using interview whereas secondary sources involves using already published materials such as reports, websites, etc. To measure the importance of sanitization and hygiene in the field of hotel industry, Three factors i.e. Sanitation, Personnel hygiene and Hotel Environment are adopted.

4.2 Conclusion

On this note, we can conclude that everyone should understand the importance of personal hygienic habits and sanitation, the same time we cant ignore the hygiene in food, water, environment and daily activities. Like personal hygiene, we should also focus on sanitation too. We should try to understand the importance of public sanitation. With these good habits, we can have a long, happy and disease-free life. So Stay Clean and Keep Smiling.


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