Mobile Phones of Consumer Choice: Market Research

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Mobile Phones of Consumer Choice: Market Research


Market research is the process of collecting information regarding the product of a company from the market. It gathers information about the product in terms of the customers, competitors, market and future market potentiality of the product. Various methods of market research are used to find out information about markets, target markets and their needs, competitors, market trends, customer satisfaction with products and services, etc. (McNamara 1997-2008).

There are primary as well as secondary market research. A primary market research refers to gathering of information from the general public. This is the fresh information as this is collected directly from the customers. Secondary research refers to collection of the data that already exists. Secondary data may be present in the form of analyzed figures or data. These are the data that are created as a result of the primary research of some persons. This report intends to conduct a market research regarding the taste and aspirations of customers for mobile phones.

Objectives of the research

There should be clearly stated objectives behind every research. The research work conducted here is basically aimed to study the customer perceptions regarding mobile phones. The major objectives of the research can be characterized as follows.

  1. To analyze the preference of the consumers regarding mobile phones.
  2. To find out the company that is mostly preferred by the consumers.

The purpose of this research work is to find answers for the above two objectives.

Main body

The main body of the research report is the area in which detailed literature review regarding the topic of the research is given. In the research topic selected here the literature review involves detailed information regarding the mobile phone revolution, the most modern technology used in the mobile phones, the mobile phone companies present in the market etc.

Mobile phone market is a sector that is facing very fast growth. The fast growth in the sector is the result of fast movement in the technology. When technology change occurs the mobile phone handsets become outdated very easily. A handset with the most modern features of one manufacturer becomes outdated when its competitor launches another handset with more and advanced features. Consumers worldwide demand engaging content and services on their devices& from mobile phones to cameras, televisions and more. (Koprowski 2006). Therefore it is only continuous innovation that will help the companies to survive in the competitive environment. The leading mobile phone handset companies operating in the UK are Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Siemens and Sony Ericsson.

The employment of technology has even made available the functions of a computer in a mobile phone handset. Mobile phones have incorporated more memory capacity that enables the users to carry their large data with them. Multimedia phones are the most popular mobile phone segment. The users have assured a better experience of fun and joy through the phone. It is in this segment that almost all the mobile phone companies compete. Every company launches new product in the market which has at least one additional feature than that of its competitors. This makes them capture new market share.

The research work carried on here is a pure market research. Market research is the survey conducted among the public in order to analyze the market of the given product. Market research is the combination of a set of activities. The activities that are involved in a market research are as follows.

Planning and design of the survey

Planning and design of the survey is the first step that is involved in a market research. The group involved in the data gathering and survey need to discuss the level of information required, geographic scope of the survey, people to be involved, and their roles and responsibilities. (Planning for the survey, Planning and executing a rapid market survey. 2008). Different teams are to be made on the basis of the skills of different people.

The expertise of the persons involved in the survey determines the efficiency of the survey. A budget has to be decided for meeting the expenses of the survey. Under this planning stage the required time schedule for the research, the market where the survey is to be conducted and other factors are considered. In this research work the persons who are to be interviewed are the common mobile phone users. Almost all the persons start using mobile phones from the teenage itself. At present, even younger students have started carrying their personal mobile phones. And also nowadays mobiles phone companies are keeping their targets more on the youth. Therefore all the persons above the age group of 15 have to be interviewed. However it is better to keep the maximum age limit to 40.

Designing the questionnaire

Designing the questionnaire is the second step in market research. Under this step a good questionnaire is drafted based on the purpose of the research. While designing the questionnaire it has to be kept in mind that the objectives of the research can be achieved by the questions used in it. Questionnaires are an inexpensive way to gather data from a potentially large number of respondents. (Questionnaire design. 2008).

The questionnaire has to be designed keeping in mind the sampling group. Questionnaires usually contain open-ended questions regarding the research topic. In this research the questionnaire will contain questions for gathering information from the respondents regarding their taste and preferences for mobile phones. A sample of a questionnaire useful here is attached in the appendix of this research report.

Data collection

Data collection is the third stage of a research. It is in this stage that the actual information is collected for the public by using the drafted questionnaire. There are different methods by which data can be collected from the public by using the questionnaire. Some of the methods are mailing the questionnaire to the prospective audience, conducting a personal interview in which the interviewee is asked to fill the questionnaire and asking the respondents to fill the questionnaire even without interviewing them. Data collection is to be done very carefully as there are more possibilities for time delay in this stage.

It should also be noted that the quality of the research result depends upon the quality of data that are used for research. For collecting data in this research the researcher can carry the questionnaire with him and can approach places where he can find the prospective crowd. The researcher can visit an educational institute where a large number of youth can be found. Similarly the researcher can also visit other organizations where the persons of a particular group can be found. In this research interview can be conducted by the researcher with the desired candidates whose opinion can be noted during the analysis stage of the research.

Data analysis

Data analysis is another important stage in the research. A meaning can be made out from the collected data only when it is analyzed properly. Analysis of the data gives us the information with which the objectives of the research can be achieved. Data analysis is done by using different techniques. The most common technique that is used to analyze the data is simple percentages. In this research analysis can be done by using simple percentages. The analyzed data can then be represented by using charts and graphs. But there are certain data that cannot be analyzed by using simple percentages. For example qualitative data cannot be analyzed by using simple percentages.

Data reporting

Data reporting is the final stage in the market research. Simple analysis of the data will not help the researcher in any way. It has to be drafted in the form of a report and should be submitted to the required persons. The fully drafted report can be used by the concerned persons to make decisions regarding the changes in the market strategy or any other factors related to the market.

Data analysis

The data that is collected by using the questionnaire are analyzed in this section of the research paper.

  • Do you have excessive passion for mobile phones?
Options No. of respondents Percentage of respondents
Yes 45 90
No 5 10
Total 50 100
  • Which among is your favourite mobile phone manufacturer?
Options No. of respondents Percentage of respondents
Nokia 15 30
Motorola 10 20
Samsung 5 10
Sony Ericsson 10 20
Siemens 5 10
LG 5 10
Total 50 100
  • What qualities do you like in a mobile phone the most?
Options No. of respondents Percentage of respondents
Sound clarity 15 30
Camera quality 15 30
Multimedia functions 10 20
Appearance 5 10
Durability 5 10
Total 50 100
  • Do you give primary importance for the cost factor while purchasing mobile phones?
Options No. of respondents Percentage of respondents
Yes 15 30
No 35 70
Total 50 100
  • What is the maximum time period for which you will use a mobile phone before you will purchase a new one?
Options No. of respondents Percentage of respondents
Up to 1 year 15 30
Up to 2 years 20 40
Up to 3 years 10 20
Above 3 years 5 10
Total 50 100


Findings of the research are the actual results of the project. The findings of the research are derived from the analysis of the data. The findings of the research must go in parity with the objectives. The findings of this research on the basis of analysis of the data collected by using the questionnaire are as follows.

  1. People are very much passionate about mobile phones. Most of the persons have the desire to own a good mobile phone.
  2. Nokia is the market leader in the Handset market. 30% of the respondents opted for Nokia, 20% for Motorola and Sony Ericsson each.
  3. The data analysis has shown that better sound and camera quality is the feature that most of the customers prefer. The cost factor is being given very little importance by the customers.
  4. The people are more concerned about changes in the technology because majority of the respondents said that they will use a mobile phone for the maximum of 2 years before they replace it.


This project is a research work that is focused on assessing the needs and aspirations of the customers. This report is prepared in order to ensure better understanding of the methods to conduct a market research. For this purpose a market research regarding the perceptions and aspirations of the customers regarding the mobile phone handsets is carried out. A better understanding of market research and the methods involved in it were possible through this report. The survey conducted among the public was helpful to gather useful data and that data is then analyzed to achieve the objectives of the project.


KOPROWSKI, Gene J (2006). Mobile Phone Converging with Flash, other Apps. Technewsworld. Web.

McNAMARA, Carter (1997-2008). Market research. Free management library. Authenticity Consulting. Web.

Planning for the survey, Planning and executing a rapid market survey. (2008). Participatory Market Chain Analysis for Smallholder Producers. P. 46. Web.

Questionnaire Design. (2008). Web.

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