Information Technology: Real-Time Processing and Multi-Processing Database Systems

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Information Technology: Real-Time Processing and Multi-Processing Database Systems


The computer database system has been identified as a strategic weapon of which a profit-maximizing organization can use to enhance its competitive advantages. This paper attempts to provide a recommendation between real-time processing and multi-processing database systems for the booking of Windsor Recreational Park (WRP).

The paper compares and contrasts the 2 types of database systems, and provides the analysis of the two database systems. The paper offers recommendations on a best suitable database system for Windsor Recreational Park (WRP).


The fundamental objectives of any organization are to expand its market scope and as well as enhancing its competitive advantages. Information Technology has been identified as a strategic weapon whereby profit-seeking maximizing organization can achieve its objectives.

The decision made by the management of Windsor Recreational Park (WRP) to change from a manual booking system to a computer database system is a strategic step toward increasing market expansion. Choice of computer booking system not only eliminates the queuing of customer during booking, it will also dramatically reduce the processing of booking time.

Thus, for effective choice of computer database system, this paper evaluates 2 different types of computer database systems, and the Real-Time Processing and Multi-Access processing have been identified as the best computer database systems for bookings. The paper compares and contrasts the two types of computer database systems, and a recommendation is provided for a suitable database system for the management of WRP.

Evaluation of The Real-time processing and Multi-Accessing computer database systems

This section compares and contrasts the real-time processing and multi-accessing database systems, and examines the computer database system that is more suitable for WRP.

The Real-Time Processing is computer booking system where the computer provides online booking system linked to a network for 24 hours. (XS4All Internet, 2008).

The processing of data from Real-Time Processing is made immediately the data is fed into the computer and output is made immediately. It should be noted that timing is very critical in any business organization, the transaction in the real-time booking system is done online and the online booking can be amended very quickly and interactively. (Digital Desk 2009).

Although, the real processing transaction system requires payment gateway for the processing of credit card transactions, the credit card transaction is processed immediately customers fed the credit card number into the computer and the processing of credit cards is done within minutes and seat number is reserved automatically. In addition, the real-time processing has the advantage of storing the customers information for future booking. The customers do not need to feed their data into the computer when making next booking.

It should be noted that in todays businesses, time is very essential in the business transaction, the real-time processing offers speed and agility in credit card processing. The credit card is processed automatically as order is being submitted, and fund transfer is made automatically. The real-time is also very good for periods of high sales, and when business is very busy. The processing can be done online without fear of customers data being copied as all the information submitted to the servers are encrypted and secure.(Instabill Merchant Account, 2000, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2005).

Thus, using real-time processing reduces enormous paper workload as the processing is done immediately notification of booking is made, and data is rapidly validated. (St Martins, 2008).

However, the Multi-Access processing, involves the online booking processing with large central database. The Multi-access processing is different from real-time processing because it allows connection with many agents and users at the same time. (XS4All Internet, 2008, Geek Interview, 2005).

It should be noted that multi-access processing also offers the same processing features as the real-time processing. Multi-access processing also offers credit processing transactions where the transaction is done immediately the customers feed their information and credit card information into the computer, and confirmation is made immediately.

Both multiprocessing and the real-time processing systems require payment gateway for the processing of credit card transactions, and the credit card transaction is processed automatically after customers feed the credit card number in the computer and the processing of credit cards is done within minutes and seat number is reserved automatically.

The multi-access processing also has the advantage of processing large number of data during high sales or during the peak time where large number of people desire to make booking at the same time. The difference between real-time processing and multi-access processing is that multi-access processing requires a large central database that connects servers to more than one booking agent. With multi-access processing, many computers can directly connect to central computer and the central computer has the capacity to process large volume of data that it is receiving from the different booking agents. This allows the use of many users at the same time to be connected to the central computer server, and several bookings are made at the same time. (XS4All Internet, 2008, MIT, 2009)

However, a real-time processing system does not offer the capacity of being connected to many location process data at the same time. Hellerstein1, J, M, Stonebraker2,M, and Hamilton, J, (2007).

The only disadvantage of the multi-access database is that it requires high cost of maintenance compared to real-time processing, which has a lower cost of maintenance.

In addition, multi-access database requires a high level of security since many computers are linked to central database. In addition, the network security provided for multi-access processing databases is higher than real-time processing in order to avoid computers being hacked by unauthorized individuals. ((Hellerstein1, Stonebraker2 and Hamilton, 2007, University of Montana, 2009).

Although, real-time database also requires maximum security, nevertheless, the money and time spent on the security on real-time database are lower compared to multi-access database. (Hellerstein1, Stonebraker2 and Hamilton, 2007).

Thus, before providing the recommendations between the two computer database systems for the Windsor Recreational Park, the next section provides the findings of the the two computer database systems.


The evaluations of the two computer database systems reveal that booking by computer system has several advantages over manual booking. Apart from improving the speed of booking time, the computer also reduces the enormous paper workloads that are the characteristics of manual booking. Using a computer reduces the enormous workload of processing paper documents because computers can process files rapidly and immediate notification is made if booking is made. (St Martins School, 2008).

Nevertheless, evaluations of the real-time processing and multi-processing database reveal that both computer processing is good for the company due to the speed of booking transactions, and it is revealed that it can make WRP more productive, and gain competitive advantages over its competitors. (Congressional Budget Office, 2008).

However, it is revealed that the cost of operations of each computer database system is not the same. While the cost of maintaining the multi-access processing is higher than the real-time processing, the multi-access database needs more security than real-time processing. Apart from this, the multi-access database requires more staff for operations than the real-time processing.

Thus, the overall summary of the findings reveals that multi-access database is only suitable for recreation company that has many recreation parks all over the country where the computer of their branches are connected to central computer to be processed at the same time, while the real-time system involves processing of booking of a recreational company. (St Martins School, 2008).

Meanwhile, the finding points out that real-time processing might be adaptable for Windsor Recreational Park, however before making managerial recommendations, the paper provides the analysis of finding in the next section.

Analysis of findings

This section provides the analysis of the findings. The whole report only compares and contrast two computer database systems, however there is other computer database system that other companies are using for the computer database.

Thus, the real-time processing system and multi-processing system are evaluated because these are the two most computer database that is suitable for the Windsor Recreational Park because of the services the two database systems offers. The analysis of the findings reveals that real-time processing is more adaptable to Windsor Recreation Park because the management of the company has never had any experience with computer database systems. For example, there are many recreational parks in the UK that are doing the booking online with real-time database. For example, Alton Towers located in the UK offers online booking through a real-time database system.

Meanwhile, the analysis of multi-processing database reveals that this system is adaptable for bookings of large companies with branches all over the country or other countries. For example, British airways make multi-processing database for bookings because British airways have branches all over the UK, and other countries outside the UK.

The analysis of the findings provides recommendations of a best database system for WRP based on the investigation of 2 different types of database systems.


This section suggests recommendations for the WRP based on the investigation of the real-time processing and multi-accessing computer database systems.

The managerial recommendations are that a real-time base system is more suitable for WRP than the multi-accessing system. The reason is that the real-time system is more economical and the costs of operation are lower compared to the multi-processing database. In addition, a multi-processing database requires more operating staff and will incur more operating costs on WRP.

A real-time database is also recommended because the management of the WRP does not have experience with computer database systems, thus the management needs to choose real-time database due to its non-complication.


The investigations reveal that the computer database system is a powerful tool that WRP can use to increase its market potential and increase its competitive advantages. While many computer database systems are being available for booking, the real-time system is more adaptable for the WRP because of the advantages it can offer to the company. Although there are many advantages the real-time system can offer WRP, nevertheless, the company must provide adequate security for the database system to protect the companys sensitive information and customers data.


  1. Congressional Budget Office, (2008), Industries Consolidation, Institute Global Conference. USA.
  2. Digital Desk (2009), Types of Operating System, Neath Port Talbot CBC.
  3. Geek Interview, (2005), Distributed Database Management System, A venture from Exforsys.
  4. Hellerstein1, J, M, Stonebraker2,M, and Hamilton, J, (2007), Architecture of a Database System, Foundations and Trends in Databases, 1, ( 2) pp 141259.
  5. InstabillTM Merchant Account, (2000), Real-time Processing, Instabill UK: London House.
  6. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, (2005), What is Real Time Processing, IEEE Explore.
  7. MIT, (2009), Database Design, Massachusetts Institute Tecgnology Open Course Wave.
  8. St Martins School, (2008), BOOKING SYSTEMS, St Martins School, Caerphilly, UK.
  9. University of Montana, (2009), Invader of Database.
  10. XS4All Internet, (2008), Types of Computer Operation, 4F Computer Studies Voor algemene vragen over XS4ALL.

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