Ethical Problem of Using Slave Labor in Manufacturing

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Ethical Problem of Using Slave Labor in Manufacturing

Modern globalization has ensured that people can get products from all over the world. However, the reality is that the companies that provide these goods often use slave labor to maximize their profits. There are several solutions to this problem with varying degrees of theoretic success.

First of all, people can stop purchasing from such organizations. Secondly, customers can reach out to the companies and demand the cessation of the use of slave labor. Thirdly, people can become involved in the political fight against such practices. The first solution is considered the best one as it is global and focuses on the root of the problem. The purpose of this essay is to outline this ethical dilemma and the ways it can be addressed.

The Use of Slave Labor

When one mentions slavery, most modern people would think of the act of owning another human being. However, the current definition and the reality of the situation are different. Modern slavery is characterized as the global business that thrives on the callous exploitation of the labor activity of a vast and highly vulnerable subclass of people (Kara, 2017b, p.1).

Additionally, this process is closely associated with child labor, the act of forcing minors to work, and human trafficking, which is the transportation of people for ones personal gain. Considering the severity of these actions, it might seem as if these crimes are being committed on a small scale.

However, it is believed that there are over 16 million victims of slave labor. Additionally, only 31 countries have ratified the UN-developed protocol on forced labor, a legal framework for countries to identify and target exploitation (Merelli, 2019, para. 6). These numbers paint the real picture of the current situation in the world of manufacturing

The Stakeholders of the Ethical Dilemma of Using Slave Labor

The Companies

The companies are the major stakeholders of this ethical dilemma as they are the ones benefiting from it. There are a number of reasons why organizations resort to using slave labor. First of all, many companies try to minimize the costs that go into manufacturing in order to maximize their own profits.

This explanation applies to all brands as even the most expensive ones trying to mass-produce their goods for the smallest amount of money possible despite the CEOs often being billionaires. Secondly, companies that appeal to people with a budget resort to using slave labor in order to maintain the lower prices of their products.

The Victims of Slave Labor

The underpaid or unpaid laborers that are making the goods are interested in stopping slave labor, as they are the victims of this practice. Some of them are forced to work under the threat of punishment. Others have inherited a relatives debt that prevents them from pursuing anything else in life until they return the money.

However, some of these individuals have technically made the choice to work under these conditions themselves. Many people living in first world countries do not understand why an individual would participate in such disadvantageous practices without realizing the awful circumstances that lead to such decisions.

Many victims of slave labor have no education and no work prospects as the corruption within their homeland, and the lack of available jobs prevent them from finding a different way of making any money (Kara, 2017a). As a result, most of them have no other choice but to become employed by global companies that do not provide adequate paychecks, working conditions or hours as this reality is better than nothing.

The Customers

While customers might feel as if they are not in any way connected to the ethical dilemma of companies using slave labor for manufacturing their goods, they are wrong. Purchasing an item from an organization that participates in such practices, normalizes this crime. Companies see that despite the use of slave labor being a known fact, customers are not deterred from buying their products. This allows the organizations to rationalize that there is no need for change as their clientele is not disturbed by their choices.

One can explain this reality with the fact that customers are often the victims of the way society is structured as well. The rising oligarchies ensure that normal people feel the need to have money whenever they can, which forces them to buy cheap products that are a result of using slave labor. However, as many modern organizations adhere to the ethical code and provide reasonable prices, it is impossible to ignore the element of willful ignorance.

Solutions to the Ethical Dilemma of Using Slave Labor

The First Solution

One of the possible solutions to this problem would entail customers actively ignoring the companies that use slave labor for manufacturing and buying from their competitors that avoid such practices. While this might seem easy at first glance, it would require the consumers to conduct some research on the brands that provide the necessary goods, which can make the usual process of obtaining a product more difficult (Carrington, 2020). Additionally, people might have to pay more than they are used to, as low prices are typically achieved by using slave labor and violating other ethical codes.

The Second Solution

The second way to solve this problem would be to help bring awareness to it. While most people know of the existence of modern slavery, they do not understand its real weight, as they do not encounter firsthand. Bringing this problem to the forefront of the publics mind could make brands wary of using slave labor in their manufacturing. Additionally, people can mass-email the companies that resort to breaking the ethical code and inform them of peoples opinions on such practices. Most organization value their reputation and would not want to see it tarnished.

The Third Solution

The last solution would entail participating in the political side of the problem. As mentioned in a previous section, the UN has a protocol that stops companies from using slave labor; however, very few nations have ratified it. Therefore, it would be beneficial for citizens to write to the political elite of their countries and inform them that the public is interested in passing a law that would make it harder for organizations to break the ethical code.

The Best Solution

While making the government and the public aware of the problem might both seem like reasonable solutions, the first one is the most effective. As long as people are buying from them, companies will not let any law or public opinion stop them from maximizing their profit. However, customers boycotting such brands can make them realize that they will lose all their money if they do not start following the ethical code.


Why many people are aware of slave labor, most of them have grown accustomed to this ethical dilemma and do not consider the possible ramifications of it when choosing from which company to buy. However, statistics show this is a substantial problem that forces many individuals living in third world countries to work for global organizations that do not provide adequate conditions. The most effective solution to this problem is to have the consumers take responsibility for their actions and buy from companies that do not use slave labor.

Reference List

Carrington, M. (2020). Rebelling against modern slavery: Heres how consumers can help. The New Daily.

Kara, S. (2017a). Modern slavery: A global perspective. Human Rights Review, 20, 485-487.

Kara, S. (2017b). Perspectives on human trafficking and modern forms of slavery. Social Inclusion, 5(2), 1-2.

Merelli, A. (2019). There are 16 million slaves around the world making our stuff. Quartz.

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