Case Study of Wembley Stadium Project Management Methods

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Case Study of Wembley Stadium Project Management Methods


Project management is increasingly essential to firms since projects are the methods they respond to the environment. The projects often experience failure regarding timing, cost, quality, and scope despite the intense activities performed. Also, most projects do not consider interpersonal skills, stakeholders, ethics, infrastructures, and lifecycle during the project planning. Firms need to adapt project management methods based on their needs, strategy, and resources to avoid such issues. The main methods that firms can apply within their project management are the standard methods used to conduct and control projects: the agile approach and the APM body of knowledge. The paper will evaluate these two methods, the agile (scrum technique) and the APM BoK, their theories, pros and cons, challenges and benefits, and their key performance indicators. The study will use the construction of Wembleys Stadium in London that used the APM BoK and provide justifications and limitations as to why the agile approach was suited for the project.

APM BoK Method

During the construction of Wembleys Stadium in London, The APM BoK framework was used in project management. It identified the key areas of knowledge within the project. The APM book of knowledge was achieved through research, training, qualifications, events, and publications. The framework contained 5 phases concept, definition, development, handover, and closure (Frederico, 2021). The concept face established the projects opportunities, problems, and needs. During this phase, a feasibility test was conducted that helped determine if the project was viable and aligned with the business objectives and strategy. The project manager was required to justify the project in areas such as cost, benefits, and investments appraisal.

The definition phase evaluated the options and solutions of the project. It involved creating a project management plan that will outlay its risks and quality. The plan laid out the strategy to be used within the project. The third phase was the implementation, which implemented the projects plans and strategy; it can be divided into two stages: building and designing (Frederico, 2021). It provided an APMle time for engagement and review between the stages. The output of the implementing stage was the product of the project, which is the stadium itself. The fourth phase is the operations, where there is the ongoing maintenance of the deliverables. The phase mainly involved the project team members focusing on realizing the benefits. Lastly, the termination phase completed the project deliverables operational life. It ensured that all objectives of the projects were achieved.

Justification of using the APM Bok Method

The construction of Wembleys Stadium in London used the APM BoK to have several advantages. Firstly, the method is internationally recognized, which creates an opportunity for accredited qualifications. The advantage is that the same construction project could be undertaken in a different region using the same framework and still set the same standards. In addition, the method had no particular framework. It made it easy for the project to apply any technique that suited the project despite the stadiums operations, strategies, scope, and size (Frederico, 2021). For instance, the construction project of the stadium applied a framework that was used in the IT installation method. The framework provided a range of different topics that could be adapted to any environment. Lastly, the APM BoK recognized interpersonal skills used to advance the project. For instance, the method was beneficial in teamwork, communication, negotiation, leadership, conflict management, delegation, and influencing the project.

Using the APM book of knowledge to construct the stadium, the project acquired multiple benefits. For instance, it ensured that the construction managers know the projects from various angles such as quality standards, risk management, professionality, skills, law, and health and safety. Secondly, it benefited the project managers to develop their management skills (Frederico, 2021). For instance, it provided a framework to the managers to develop their careers professionally, such as ensuring accountability, commitment, achievement, depth, and breadth. In addition, it allowed the project to meet a certain standard through variables such as interpersonal skills, financial management, environment, quality standards, and portfolio management. Lastly, it helped the project team to maintain a healthy relationship that includes the stakeholders, suppliers, employers, and management.

Limitations of using the APM Bok Method in construction of Wembley stadium

The project management using the APM BoK technique in the construction of the Wembley Stadium was faced with several challenges. The method had no prescribed systematic and comprehensive method to guide project management on constructing the stadium. It was a challenge as it made it difficult for the constructors to establish if it used true standards for project management. For instance, two construction projects can use the framework, but their strategies and processes are different, making it difficult to know what system works best for the method.

In addition, the framework APM Bok covers a wide range of systems and topics, which made it difficult to integrate and apply them all simultaneously. It emphasized more on breadth than depth. For instance, the section about delivering outputs, outcomes, and benefits only guided the project on what to check, such as planning, stakeholders management, and information management. Still, it did not provide details on how these subjective would guide the construction of Wembleys Stadium in London.

Key Performance Indicators of the construction of Wembleys Stadium

During the construction of Wembleys Stadium, APM BoKs key performance indicators were divided into four sections. The four sections were the context, people, delivery, and interface. The first key performance indicator was the context which mainly comprised of the settings and governance. When looking at the settings, it evaluated the relationship of the portfolio and program of the project towards the project goal. It determined the condition of the environment, the operations conducted towards delivering the project, and the strategy used in identifying, selecting, and implementing the projects goals. The context KPI also analysed the projects governance, both the culture and procedures that govern the project. A few variables influenced this indicator, such as the lifecycle, portfolio management, project, program, and success factors.

The second key performance indicator was the people. To determine this indicator, the manager analysed the professionality and interpersonal skills of the team involved. To analyse the professionality of the group, the indicator looked at the ethics practices, competency, development standards, and community of practice. Interpersonal skills were involved in analysing how the team interacts with teamwork, conflicts, leadership, communication, delegation, and negotiations. The APM BoK provided a framework for professionalism among the people. The five dimensions included commitment, accountability, achievement, depth, and breadth of the people, which was used in determining the people performance indicator.

In addition, the delivery of outcomes, outputs, and benefits was also used as a key performance indicator. A few variables were considered to analyse this indicator, such as if the financial cost was according to the budget and if the investment was attractive enough. The schedule was also considered to indicate if the project was constructed according to the timeline and if the resources were delivered in time. Also, the scope helped determine the delivery indicator by considering the projects solutions, structural approach, and the requirements required. It helped in identifying if the project was working well.

Lastly, the interface was a key performance indicator in Wembleys Stadiums construction. The interfaces are variables that might not be considered essential but impact the project. It included analysing security, law, accounting, sustainability, health and safety, and human resource management.

Agile Project Method

The construction of the Wembley stadium could have used the agile project management approach than using APM Bok. Agile project management is a technique that focuses on breaking down the project into manageable small tasks that allows completion in short iterations throughout the whole project life cycle (Abdullah et al., 2021). The technique of breaking it down allows the project to be completed much faster, adapt to change according to the project requirements, and optimize workflow. I recommend that the construction project adapt scrum from the various agile project frameworks than the other framework such as extreme programming, Kanban, Lean Software development, and Dynamic Systems Development Method. The stadium construction management adapting the agile scrum method means the project management system. The framework allows employing various techniques and processes rather than using a specific process. It is primarily team-based and defines the associated concepts such as the event, roles, policies, and roles.

During the construction of Wembley stadium, the agile framework will be incremental and iterative. It will break the different tasks under construction into small incremental, typically 1 to 4 weeks. Each alteration will involve an integrated teamwork functionality such as designing, planning, implementing, analysing requirements, coding, and testing (Carneiro, Silva, and Alencar, 2018). After completing a sprint characterized by product backing requirements, frequent meetings, and releasing the projects updates and reviews, the task force will be considered successful. At the end of the iteration, the working product of the construction can be presented to the stakeholders despite not being complete, just showing that the stadium construction is under process. The iterations also provide room for changes which helps in minimizing the risks.

For the Wembley construction management to adopt an agile methodology, it needs to familiarize itself with the four core values of agile. At each sprint, the project allows the process of planning, execution, and evaluation that allows for changes (Abdullah et al., 2021). The construction manager will prioritize individual stakeholders and interactors over the process and tools. The second value of adapting the agile framework over APM Bok It also prioritizes the customers collaboration over contract negotiations. Lastly, it adapts to the way the project changes.

Justification of why Wembley stadium should have used Agile Method

The construction of Wembley stadium would have used the Agile (Scrum) technique over the APM Bok method as it replaces comprehensive documentation with the Scrum software. Scrum uses the software for documentation where it emphasizes individuals over process and tools and focuses on creating tangible results (Carneiro, Silva, and Alencar, 2018). The scrum documents create tangible value and cut off the administration work involved in the APM Bok. Doing this delivers value to the end-user; for instance, the stakeholder can always be informed of every cation that the Wembley Stadium construction project undertakes.

The documentation also allows automation as the scrum software is well organized and is updated regularly as decisions and actions in construction are regularly made. This increases the power of automation. For instance, the construction workers know what task they need to be doing at a given time without being supervised. The software can also notify the stakeholders automatically when a task has been performed, thus eliminating the need for meeting and emailing status updates that are challenging in a task, especially in a construction setup that the APM Bok does (Carneiro, Silva, and Alencar, 2018). Using the scrum software, the manager can plan the sprints, update the product releases and manage the teams workload, making it easier to manage the project, unlike the APM Bok. It allows uniting every shareholder involved in the project under one platform: the workers, suppliers, and clients.

The scrum method guarantees more transparency than the APM Bok approach that facilitates decision-making in construction management. The scrum relies on cross-functional members for the small teams with a shared understanding of the goals, projects, and responsibilities. To ensure that all teams are coordinated, the technique uses the scrum artefacts: product backlog, sprint backlog, and product increment. The product backlog helps identify what team works on every sprint and what is supposed to be done (Paredes and Ribeiro, 2018). It will allow the construction of Wembley stadium to prioritize the functionality of what is important and eliminate the duty inconveniences present in the APM Bok.

The second artefact is the sprint backlog that aims to identify what teamwork will be used in the sprint and activities done in the process. The artefact establishes what activities are to be carried out within the sprints and the timeline of the sprints. The advantage of this over the APM is that it allows the project to undertake the set activities within the set time, avoiding timeline constraints such as delaying the project. Lastly, the increment artefacts aim to answer what the scrum team has achieved during the sprint and check the key performance indicators to ensure the success of the construction. It provides an opportunity for the management to reflect if the construction was done as required and if the project is at par with the goals. The advantage of this over the APM is that it allows transparency of key information, creating opportunities for inspection and adaption and minimizing work in progress.

In addition, the agile (scrum) approach is fit for the construction of Wembley stadium compared to APM Bok due to its planning process. The planning in scrum is done at the beginning of every sprint (Paredes and Ribeiro, 2018). All team members participate in this meeting, such as the scrum master, the client, manager, construction workers, and any development team involved with the construction project. During this meeting, every team should understand and define the objectives of the sprint.

A plan is designed and developed on how to achieve the objective. The benefit of this is that everyone is involved in the decision-making and planning of the operations, which enables the team to be motivated (Paredes and Ribeiro, 2018). For instance, if the workload within the sprint is a lot given the stipulated time, the team can ask for prolonging of the sprint to avoid delays. A discussion is undertaken to evaluate such elements to ensure no inconveniences within the deliverables. Everyone can take part in the discussion, as the planning affects everyone. For instance, the scrum master and the client need to collaborate with any information from the meeting to clarify the objective and requirements. The development team must also explain how their team members will achieve the sprint objective. It is different from the APM. The management team only does the planning, making it challenging to acquire the objective as the decision-making did not use professional input.

To prevent the construction of Wembley stadium from failing is the adaptability advantage of the agile (scrum) approach in contrast to the APM Bok. The scrum process is iterative, and the objective is to acquire the outcome at the end of every sprint. It allows creating a feedback look within the process where the team gathers new requirements from the customers and adapts to changes (Carneiro, Silva, and Alencar, 2018). The APM BoK makes it challenging for changes and adjustments as the plans are only made at the definition stage and initiated in the development, leaving no room for adaptation. After every sprint, a review is done to proceed with the activities done against the set sprint objective (Carneiro, Silva, and Alencar, 2018). The entire agile team and stakeholders collaborated in this meeting to ensure they optimized the product value. By doing this, the construction project will consider the clients and workers input making the project feasible. In the case of any challenges, a new plan to fix the challenge in the newsprint is adapted. The process ensures that the stakeholders and interactions are prioritized that the process itself as it focuses on individuals contributions, ideas, and feedback.

Key Performance Indicators of Agile (scrum) method

A few key performance indicators can be used to ensure that the construction of the Wembley Stadium is a success as it uses the agile (scrum) approach. Firstly, the manager can use cost to monitor the framework. It includes any financial aspects of the project, such as budgeting, planning, and controlling (Matos et al., 2019). It allows the inputs such as materials, labour, and equipment costs to remain under the approved budget. The manager can also use quality as a KPI. During the sprint process, an objective of quality needs to be enhanced so that during the sprint reviews, it is ensured that it is up to satisfactory levels. It will avoid changes during the execution as quality can affect the cost during renovations. Resources are a vital KPI in the agile framework. The indicator measures how the team members are handling the delegated task and utilizing their expertise, knowledge, and skills at an optimal level. Communication is another performance indicator of how well information is distributed, monitored, controlled, and stored within the project from the client, development team, construction workers, and the scrum masters.

It is important to include the stakeholders as a performance indicator when executing the agile method. It includes involving the various teams such as suppliers, employees, and financial sponsors and analysing their roles, expectations, and management strategies (Matos et al., 2019). Moreover, the risk is a key indicator where the various types of risk will be identified, analysed, and controlled and establish a response plan that addresses the issues that might arise. Furthermore, procurement is a KPI as it will involve analysing whether the project has the required products and services to execute projects. It will include analysing contracts, source selections, and delivery timelines.

The scope is a key indicator during the agile as it provides insight that all the work planned during the sprint meetings process is being undertaken during execution (Matos et al., 2019). Similarly, the schedule is an important indicator as it will ensure that the project has an updated schedule of events in which they meet deadlines. Lastly, integration is an important indicator. Some of the activities in a project are not related, which allows them to be done simultaneously. Also, some activities can be brought together towards a common goal. All these key performance indicators will illustrate how the construction of the Wembley Stadium is performing through the agile process.


In conclusion, applying a project management method is important to the projects success. The APM BoK was an efficient approach towards constructing the Wembley Stadium. The approach benefited the construction of the Wembley stadium as the approach is

It is internationally recognized, which created an opportunity for accredited qualifications. It enhanced that the same construction project could be undertaken in a different region using the same framework and still set the same standards. In addition, the method had no particular framework. It made it easy for the project to apply any technique that suited the project despite the stadiums operations, strategies, scope, and size. Also, the approach had a standardized procedure and contained good practices and knowledge created by management professionals who regularly update it. However, the agile approach was well suited for the stadiums construction due to its advantages, such as adaptability. It allows creating a feedback look within the process where the team gathers new requirements from the customers and adapts to changes. The agile planning process makes project management easy. All team members participate in this meeting, such as the scrum master, the client, the manager, construction workers, and any development team involved with the construction project. It also provides transparency as everyone understands the goals, projects, and responsibilities. Hence, the agile approach was more suitable than the APM Bok in the construction of the Wembley Stadium.


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Carneiro, L.B., Silva, A.C.C. and Alencar, L.H., 2018, December. Scrum agile project management methodology application for workflow management: A case study. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (pp. 938-942). IEEE.

Frederico, G.F., 2021. Project Management for Supply Chains 4.0: A conceptual framework proposal based on PMBOK methodology. Operations Management Research, 14(3), pp.434-450.

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Paredes, C. and Ribeiro, P., 2018, September. Future trends in project management. In the 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS) (pp. 637-644). IEEE.

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