Social Work: Career of Social Worker and Job Opportunities

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Social Work: Career of Social Worker and Job Opportunities


Description and History of Social Work

The history of society goes back to ancient human society. Social work entails charity giving to the poor and at times voluntary service to the needy in society says (Rosen 66). There has never been a time when all were self-sufficient in the history of human race. Every once in a while we need a hand. Through social work, there have been efforts to lift the less advantaged in society. In this sense, social work becomes inseparable from the history of humanity. However, it was not until the 19th century when social work was ushered as a profession. This feat is attributed to the industrial revolution. Today, social work is pursued as a career. This paper is an analysis of present-day social work as a career.

Demand for social Workers

We live today in a world full of need. Natural occurrences and man-made tragedies are leaving countless individuals in despair and hopelessness more than ever before in history. There is hunger out of long droughts; related to climate change. There are floods. Civil wars never cease to break every now and then, leaving people homeless. AIDS is a world tragedy today. The technology we all seek is leaving the world in desperate situations. In a nutshell, there are numerous and perhaps increasing numbers of people living in wide-ranging difficulties. Social workers have come in handy in the past. Today, they are needed even more. In fact, (Aho 109) in his article Overwhelming Demand, Need for social workers says that there is demand for social workers to respond to the calling voices of individuals, families society in difficulty.

Opportunities in Social Work

People that get into social work as a career are exposed to various opportunities.

(Russo 47) describes social work as an exciting career. Entrants in social work have first and foremost the opportunity to serve society, and that is a great act. The craving for mankind is to give back. Through social service, one gets an opportunity for the fulfillment of such says (Rosen 68). It is also in social work where one enjoys exposure to life skills. For instance, one learns to be kind and considerate, to realize that through the little acts of charity greatness is reached. An individual in this career will also gain group working skills. From such, key personal morals like co-operation, unity and honesty not leaving out individual and collective responsibility are enhanced. There are also benefits of leadership-related skills such as administrative skills, community development skills, guidance and counseling skills among others. It is no wonder that the most powerful president in the world started off as a social worker.

Job Location

An individual interested in social work could probably ask where such jobs are located. Basically, there is need for a social worker in literary all locations. People in difficulty and need social work services are not located anywhere specific. They live amongst us, we are those people says (Aho 110). However, there are some places of concentration that have been built. For instance, homes for the mentally challenged that need counseling and the talking cure. Rehabilitation centers as well host individuals that have in laymans language, taken wrong turns before but want to follow the right path today. Refugee camps for people that have run away from their countries resulting from civil wars also lay as a potential location for community service.

In less developed countries, slums are the greatest port for social workers. People here live in extreme poverty. Their hygienic and sanitary conditions are poor. Education levels are low. Social crimes such as rape and murder are not news in such places. AIDS levels are high and increasing. According to (Russo 49), there is ultimate need for intervention by individuals, institutions and governments to engage social workers in such places if we are going to move the human race to the next level of humanity.

Employer Companies

In relation to the increase in demand for social workers, there has been an increasing number of company placements for this career. Governments, hospitals schools and care homes however remain the chief employers. Numerous organizations are purposely registering to absorb this field of profession. World associations such as Red Cross and United Nations are linking up with smaller charitable community groups to deliver service. Through this, more and more places for social workers are being created every day as recorded by (Kennedy 100).

Daily job in Social Work

In my research on social work as a career today, I sought to get a glimpse of a day for a social worker. Generally, a social workers job revolves around service. The daily activities of a social worker vary depending on ones specialization. Counselors spend most of their daily time speaking to their subjects. Researchers spend most of their daily time doing research and compiling reports. Administrators are there to coordinate the activities of ground social workers and the list is just endless. Social work is not an immediate response to a tragedy. Rather, it is a goal-setting process for development, often with long-term effects. It happens along with other economic activities. This means that most social work activities take place during normal working hours. Most economies in the world are twelve-hour economies. Most workers in these countries work eight hours a day. Similarly, social workers have eight hours a day, unless there are special cases to be attended to.

Estimated Pay

In all careers, there is need for a reward system. Most social work activities are voluntary. However, employed social workers are put on pay. Social workers that have been employed earn differently depending on various factors. These are: level of study of the social worker, area of specialization, amount of experience of the individual and of course the fortune of the company you work with. However, according to (Kennedy 101) a Bachelorss Degree holder earns about $. 30,000 annually, a Masterss Degree holder earns about $. 50,000 annually while those that have an advantage of experience over a long period of time could earn well over $. 100,000 every year.

Minimum Requirements

Basically, to qualify for a job as a social worker, one needs at least a Bachelors Degree in Social Work according to (Kennedy 99). However, Bachelor of Arts graduates who hold majors in sociology, psychology and other related subjects may be considered in the entry-level market. Further training such as an advanced degree or a Masterss Degree qualifies one for higher-level positions. These positions are to be found in health centers, schools and community development centers. The roles of individuals in such positions are normally supervising, training and administering. Greater tasks in social work such as teaching in colleges or universities and conducting research require at least a Doctorate in social work.


Looking at the trends in social work, the future is promising for professions and interested individuals in this field Say (Kennedy 101). The world is every day realizing the unavoidable need for social workers in shaping the future of our society.

Works cited

Aho R. Overwhelming Demand, Need For Social Workers. Job Journal 4.3 (2001): 108-111.

Behrens P. Rosen M. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. Social Work 11.1 (2010): 67-73.

Kennedy L. Occupational Outlook. US Bureau of Labor Statistics Handbook 23 (2010): 97-101.

Russo G. A Career inSocial Work. The New Social Worker Magazine 10 (2010): 45-49.

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