Role of HR Practice Within Contemporary Organizations

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Role of HR Practice Within Contemporary Organizations


The role of organisational work as it is conducted in various modern companies is primarily determined by the qualifications of the employees performing specific duties. Where assessing the quality of human resources is concerned, an essential role is played by the HR manager, whose tasks are to instruct staff and recruit relevant professionals. A modern high rhythm predetermines the activity of all members of a particular firm as a component of joint work. Therefore, it is important to keep track of the various challenges that managers may face, assess opportunities and the degree of training of staff and describe possible recommendations for HR practice.

Challenges of Delivering Corporate Social Responsibility

With the development of progress in terms of production, science and technology along with the urbanisation of life, new and complex problems have emerged and worsened: ecological, technical, socioeconomic, information, cultural and more. The future of civilisation depends on a comprehensive solution for these issues. However, any solution is determined to a great extent by the activities of modern corporations and their responsibility to society and to the future. Therefore, todays problems in light of social responsibility are becoming central to management. As Mason and Simmons (2014) remark, the development and implementation of a reasonable and practical policy of social responsibility are steps towards the recognition of certain organisations in an international arena. Quite a few issues may arise in this sphere.

According to Brammer, He and Mellahi (2015), one of the acutest problems in the process of ensuring social responsibility on the part of business is the absence of actual legislatively established standards to regulate relations in this sphere. Policies that involve compulsory imposition of a requirement to conduct activities according to the principles of social responsibility do not lead to desired results. The management of particular organisations may be reluctant to part with income, preferring to leave something in reserve (Wang et al. 2016). The state, in its turn, is interested in the participation of large organisations in developing a sense of business social responsibility because of a lack of financial resources and is ready to promote partnership and support in this process. However, if mutually beneficial cooperation of these institutions is to achieve greater efficiency, it is essential to provide an adequate mechanism for state regulation of corporate social responsibility.

Ways to Regulate Corporate Social Responsibility

The first step in this direction should be the development of a legislative, regulatory framework focusing on social responsibility. Following its establishment, other possibilities for improvement can be suggested. Some of these, for example, might include economic benefits, the creation of non-profit investment funds, profits that are not taxed and go to charity, the creation of publicprivate partnerships, the introduction of mandatory social reporting for companies, incentives for the leadership of organisations and more. Unfortunately, in the process of introducing corporate social responsibility, a risk of additional problems is likely to arise. For instance, some companies cannot compete with others because of their inefficient allocation of resources. Nevertheless, using a scientifically grounded approach, problems can be solved in a timely manner. Thus, in the modern world, social responsibility on the part of business plays a decisive role.

Evaluation of the Changing Nature of Work

The formation and development of the modern concept of an organisation are largely associated with the industrialisation that has been introduced to the production process. Many entrepreneurs have viewed this as a factor in increasing the efficiency of business management, even as they have evaluated new opportunities to achieve competitive success by improving management effectiveness. When comparing modern and outdated approaches to management, it can be noted that recently, an environmentally conscious concept of management along with the management practices of modern enterprises, banks and firms began to be realised. According to Cooke, Wood and Horwitz (2016), new approaches can also be observed in the creation and implementation of a complex methodology for decision-making in the practical activities of reducing various types of risk. These risks accompany the production, management and intellectual activities of market participants and decision-makers. Such a statement of the problem requires an accurate approach to the establishment of interrelations among existing organisational and production systems and the creation of appropriate entrepreneurial models on that basis.

Compared with past technologies employed in the organisation of the working process, the present-day problems of interaction with the external environment are acquiring the greatest importance in management theory. In addition, as Forman, King and Lyytinen (2014) note, the external environment, the activity of individual companies and the orientation of a particular enterprise under prevailing conditions should be taken into account. The search for solutions to these problems has led to the formation of a number of modern management concepts aimed at ensuring the effective operation of organisations in the modern world. Some of these concepts are commonly used in different states, and experience can be borrowed; however, the development of new and unique ideas is needed. In particular, strategic management, a system where competent planning is an integral component of successful work, is key. Different types of leadership principles abound, and each is used for different purposes.

Management principles  types of plans.
Figure 1: Management principles  types of plans (n.d.).

Managers and subordinates alike realise that approaches to work require constant improvement so that a certain company can adapt to the constantly changing tendencies of the world market. Moreover, according to Barley, Bechky and Milliken (2017, p. 111), the nature of work is likely to continue to change as we move further into the 21st century. Thus, constant change is caused by a high rate of business development. Therefore, the opportunities for some firms to successfully adapt to such changes can be one indicator of company success.

Value of Training and Development Interventions in Organizations

Well-trained employees can significantly improve the level of profitability of a particular organisation, and only high-income companies can survive in the current business environment. Therefore, each HR manager must seek to ensure that only professionals are the members of his or her team. According to Anderson (2016), employees incompetence and their reluctance to fulfil their immediate duties will ultimately affect the quality of collective work, with a corresponding impact on projects and profits. In order to achieve full impact, it is necessary to train staff well.

The impact of training and development on employees performance.
Figure 2: The impact of training and development on employees performance (Siddique, Attique-ur-Rehman & Jafri 2013).

Training and development of employees will allow an organisation to raise the level of profitability of the business by increasing the effectiveness of teamwork and the value of professionals along with their professional level. Also, in the process of training, workers will be able to develop effective communication skills necessary for establishing good relationships with partners and clients (Andersen 2016). After all, in order to succeed, it is essential to constantly move forward, to look for new opportunities to develop the organisation and to be able to quickly adapt to changing business conditions. Investments in staff training help leadership to flexibly react to business requirements and efficiently manage an organisation.

Employees Motivation

For the training of workers to be effective, the workers themselves should realise that they need such investment. Therefore, HR managers should help subordinates to understand the importance of self-development and explain how it will benefit them. Experienced and proactive workers who are engaged in building a career are prepared to regularly work towards achieving better results (Cummings & Worley 2014). However, some employees want motivation. When implementing a variety of methods to encourage staff to be proactive, managers will demonstrate that training is not only useful but also profitable.

In those organisations where the personnel are in the process of continuing education, managers will spend most of their time achieving coherence in collective work on projects. It is necessary to admit that even a high-class professional cannot alone lead an entire project. The task of team building is a critical element in the process of personnel management. In the course of teamwork on a particular project, employees will be able to acquire new knowledge and develop useful practical skills in the professional field. Appropriate training will allow them to effectively achieve their goals.

Role of HR Practice Within Contemporary Organizations

Personnel policy as an instrument can play an essential role in maintaining stable development of both the entire labour market and a particular enterprise. This type of leadership focuses on organising work for human resources to be distributed according to the professional development factor. The task of specialists in this sphere is also to ensure the filtration of human resources, based on the interests and security of a particular company, especially when companies face growing competition and expanding sales that influence the organisations position in the market.

The role of the HR manager responsible for recruiting staff is particularly important since such a position also requires appropriate training and the ability to make informed, competent decisions. The success of an organisation, its productivity and reputation in the market almost entirely depend on the quality of work performed by its employees (Bamel & Stokes 2016). Accordingly, it is in the interests of the leadership to make sure that workers are as qualified as possible and can fully reveal their potential. HR managers, in their turn, should ensure that only responsible and trained employees perform a particular job in order to prevent work stalling or gross violation of established instructions. Therefore, the role of HR practice within contemporary organisations is certainly important and perhaps crucial.

Any HR manager occupying a leadership position must usually compete with other top managers for resources to develop his or her direction in terms of such factors as budget, vacancies, technical support and premises. However, high position gives an HR specialist the chance to take a strategic role in a specific organisation and to implement long-term projects along with the most favourable conditions for development. In addition to professionalism, this employee needs such qualities as perseverance, leadership potential and well-developed communication skills. In some companies, the HR director leads the management team and becomes the driving force for business development. Also, it is impossible to build trust relationships and promptly adjust work among staff without the constant interaction of all members of the HR department. Successful work provides team cohesion and a desire to help one another in the process of achieving common goals. Much also depends on the basic training of the HR manager. If this specialist has all the necessary skills, his or her company will certainly be provided with highly qualified employees.

Recommendations for HR Specialists

As a recommendation to managers who are searching for and selecting personnel, following different strategies may be of use in finding the most suitable mechanisms. An individual approach to employees is a useful tool that helps in establishing contact with a potential worker and allows each party to count on mutually beneficial cooperation (Liao, Wayne & Rousseau 2016). Also, HR managers should spend more time than usual in searching for experienced professionals. The contribution of such specialists to the success of an enterprises activity will certainly be higher compared to the benefit that ordinary employees who do not have either experience or a desire to work can bring a specific organisation.


It is essential for managers to be cognizant of the various challenges that they may face when working in a competitive environment. It is also important to assess the opportunities and degree of training of staff as these indicators directly impact the productivity of a particular enterprise. The role of HR managers is significant since these specialists work towards the goal of putting professional specialists in place to contribute as much as possible to a certain company. Some recommendations for HR practice can be useful because better results can be achieved when using new techniques. In addition, specific implementations can considerably influence a companys success and recognition.

Reference List

Anderson, DL 2016, Organization development: the process of leading organizational change, 4th edn, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Bamel, UK & Stokes, P 2016, Flexible HR practice, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1-3.

Barley, SR, Bechky, BA & Milliken, FJ 2017 The changing nature of work: careers, identities, and work lives in the 21st century, Academy of Management Discoveries, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 111-115.

Brammer, S, He, H & Mellahi, K 2015, Corporate social responsibility, employee organizational identification, and creative effort: the moderating impact of corporate ability, Group & Organization Management, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 323-352.

Cooke, FL, Wood, G & Horwitz, FM 2016, Multinational firms from emerging economies in Africa: implications for research and practice in human resource management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 26, no. 21, pp. 2653-2675.

Cummings, TG & Worley, CG 2014, Organization development and change, 10th edn, Cengage Learning, Stanford, CT.

Forman, C, King, JL & Lyytinen, K 2014, Special section introduction  information, technology, and the changing nature of work, Information Systems Research, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 789-795.

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Mason, C & Simmons, J 2014, Embedding corporate social responsibility in corporate governance: a stakeholder systems approach, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 119, no. 1, pp. 77-86.

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Wang, H, Tong, L, Takeuchi, R & George, G 2016, Corporate social responsibility: an overview and new research directions thematic issue on corporate social responsibility, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 534-544.

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