Pros and Cons of College Attendance Policy

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Pros and Cons of College Attendance Policy

Should the college implement a mandatory attendance policy? The claim of fact: Will improve GPA Claim of value: Forcing college students to attend violates the choice of excellence Claim of policy: The college should mandate an attendance policy to hold students accountable for their actions. Introduction ‘ Can the policy be harmful to enrollment? ‘ College is the beginning of adult decisions and responsibilities. ‘ Claim of policy: The college should mandate an attendance policy to hold students accountable for their actions. Opposition ‘ Forcing students to attend class violates their freedom of choice. ‘Professors are not attendances keepers. ‘ Students are adults and have other responsibilities that supersede class at times. Supporting ‘ Does attendance improve performance? ‘ Understanding the expectations upfront holds adults at a higher standard of expectations when penalties are assessed in addition to just missed time. ‘ Students can be fined monetarily as well as loose points. Conclusion ‘ Mandatory attendance can be beneficial for academic excellence. ‘

College attendance improves performance. Attendance is taught to us at a young age that it is important and vital for success as a responsible adults in the future. When we are in high school and earlier we are faced with charges of truancy and even expulsion if we don’t attend classes as we should. Why is it that so many college students seem to forget that and begin dismissing classes? Is there too much freedom for college students? Do they need to be held to higher standards? If they continually miss class without true reasons should they be forced to pay a fine? If a college has a policy in place for attendance it has been known to have a bigger impact on the student to attend classes than if a school does not have one in place. The positive effects include improving the understanding of course material which leads to better grades on quizzes and tests. The reduction of stress on classmates has also been shown to be a positive as then it does not take away from the learning capabilities of the rest of the students. Some of the negative impacts can be that the professors/Instructors are thought to be attendance guardians and have to consistently watch for students who don’t show up.

Students may also feel if they are forced to attend classes that they are not being treated like adults and that there are too many requirements which could lead to students withdrawing from the course or college altogether. One way to alleviate some of the pressure and arguments about attendance could be by stating that if you miss more than three classes without a valid doctor’s note or reason you will not only lose a letter grade but you will also be required to pay a fine of up to $50.00 per class that you miss. These penalties could set the standard and expectation of performance for the term. This would not only help show the students that they are going to be held accountable as an adult but the money can be put back into the college for updating computer labs, beautification of the campus, or other needs the campus. On the other hand, some students and faculty would believe that enforcing a mandatory attendance policy would reduce enrollment, decrease morale, and stifle the ability to freely express a student’s desire to change their schedule or implement alternate plans than to attend class. A study conducted by Daniel R. Marburger his research concluded that ‘Students who were absent during a class period were 9 to 14 percent more likely to respond incorrectly to a question pertaining to material covered in their absences than were students who were present. In the absence of a mandatory attendance policy, absenteeism rose continually throughout the semester. By the final third of the semester, the daily percentage of students who were absent in the no-policy class more than doubled.’ (Marburger, 2006).

Understanding this expectation and the importance that the direct involvement the student has in their education from the beginning can only continue to set them up for success toward the end of the course. Penalties would not have to be assessed when maturity and responsibility become the common factor that guides the student to class. Overall, mandatory class attendance can benefit both the student and the college by encouraging the student to uphold responsibility in their actions, follow through with a commitment, and preserver through adversity. The college benefits by continually producing scholars with higher academically averaged students that will soon venture into society and continue to push the limits and challenge those around them to excel through leadership and mentor youth to challenge themselves to succeed as they themselves accomplished. References Marburger, D. R. (2006). Does Mandatory Attendance Improve Student Performance? Journal of Economic Education, 148.

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