Nursing Care Models Analysis

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Nursing Care Models Analysis


Nurses use different models to deliver care to their patients. Practitioners can select the most appropriate approach depending on the needs of the targeted individual. Other critical issues to consider include the nature of the health setting and the availability of resources. Experts in nursing practice have managed to present various procedures that can be adopted by facilities and hospitals to offer high-quality care to their patients. This discussion describes a nursing care model that was observed in my healthcare facility. Different models that can support the health needs of patients are also described in the paper.

Summary of Articles Related to Primary Nursing

Article One

The article Perceptions of a Primary Nursing Care Model in a Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Unit indicates that primary nursing care promotes a relationship-based approach to care delivery (Nadeau, Pinner, Murphy, & Belderson, 2017). The conducted study revealed that the level of patient safety increased when nurses worked in consecutive shifts. The approach created a situation whereby a nurse could establish a positive relationship with his or her patient. The model, therefore, ensures that the needs of patients are clearly understood and addressed in a timely manner. The established patient-nurse relationship is capable of promoting continuity of care (Nadeau et al., 2017). The model can support the needs of patients with terminal illnesses. The concept of continuity associated with the approach maximizes the quality and safety of care.

Article Two

In the article Implementing Primary Care in the Perianesthesia Setting Using a Relationship-Based Care Model, the authors indicate that surgical patients require adequate care through the perianesthesia continuum (Carabetta, Lombardo, & Kline, 2013, p. 16). In many settings, such patients may not have their needs met by their caregivers. The idea of primary nursing can be embraced to establish a positive patient-nurse relationship and ensure the changing needs of the individual are met within the shortest time possible. When the model is implemented in postanesthesia units, the needs of different patients will be identified and met in a timely manner (Carabetta et al., 2013). The level of communication improves significantly to support the effectiveness of the care delivery process. The authors also acknowledge that the model can be applied to support hospitalized patients until they are discharged.

Summary of Articles Related to Team Nursing

Article One

The article Factors Contributing to Nursing Team Work in an Acute Care Tertiary Hospital supports the use of team nursing to deliver high-quality medical support to patients with diverse needs. According to the authors, nursing teamwork should be embraced in different settings to deliver superior care and improve patient safety. However, it is necessary for nurses to be aware of the specific factors that foster and sustain teamwork attributes. After completing the intended study, the researchers observed that leadership and communication were critical factors for effective team nursing (Polis, Higgs, Manning, Netto, & Fernandez, 2017). In acute care settings, nurses should embrace these two practices to identify challenges and support the needs of the targeted patients. The findings encourage curriculum developers and managers in healthcare settings to embrace aspects such as leadership to improve the effectiveness of their teams. Similarly, nurses should be willing to develop desirable communication skills whenever working in care delivery teams.

Article Two

The changing healthcare environment calls for better care delivery models. The article Nurse Practitioner Care Model: Meeting the Health Care Challenges With a Collaborative Team explains why healthcare institutions should be on the frontline to come up with advanced systems that can deliver efficient, safe, cost-effective, and high-quality medical services (Kutzleb et al., 2015). The integration of collaborative teams is supported as a powerful concept that can coordinate, monitor, and manage the health outcomes of patients with chronic conditions. The conducted study revealed that the model could minimize the causes of rehospitalization and medication errors. The authors also observed that the approach resulted in reduced medical costs. The collaborative team care model resulted in operational effectiveness and patient satisfaction (Kutzleb et al., 2015). This article, therefore, supports the use of team nursing to deliver high-quality care to every patient at risk of readmission.

Observations: Current Nursing Care Model

Recently I had an opportunity to examine the nature of practices adopted in the intensive care unit (ICU) to maximize the health outcomes of patients. I observed that every person in the unit was supported and taken care of by a competent nurse. Each practitioner was encouraged to establish a positive patient-nurse relationship and focus on every emerging health need. Nurses were required to communicate continuously and effectively with their patients. They identified existing health challenges and liaised with patients family members. Such practices were embraced by the patients. Another nurse would take over depending on the nature of the shifts in the unit. The ultimate goal was to ensure every patient had a nurse providing the required health support. It was also observed that nurses had autonomy since they could practice by their philosophies.

The most interesting observation was that patients were encouraged to express their concerns and expectations. They collaborated with their nurses to come up with appropriate care procedures. They were also expected or encouraged to offer their views throughout the care delivery process. These practices influenced patients health outcomes positively. The patient-nurse relationship streamlined the nature of communication and decision-making. Family members were also informed about the progress and improvement of their patients. Decisions were made between the family members and nurses in an attempt to improve the patients health outcomes. I interacted with several patients during the exercise. According to them, the care delivery process and insights presented by their caregivers resulted in quality health results. These practices made it easier for me to conclude that primary nursing was the model employed to deliver high-quality health services in the unit (Nadeau et al., 2017). The process supported the health needs of every patient in the ICU.

Recommending a Different Nursing Care Model

The selected ICU unit can record better results if another model of nursing care is considered. For instance, the total patient care can be implemented whereby a charge nurse is empowered to guide, empower, and monitor the performance of different registered nurses. The lead nurse will provide adequate insights and decisions during each shift. Assignments and care processes will be designed depending on the health needs of the targeted patient. The role of the nurse is to support the patient by providing adequate care. Nursing roles might be arranged based on the skills and philosophies of different practitioners (King, Long, & Lisy, 2015). The strategy will be embraced to ensure the capabilities of different nurses are exploited effectively to maximize patient satisfaction.

The suggested model is characterized by direct communication channels. The approach also encourages practitioners to liaise with different professionals such as psychologists and physicians. The charge nurse will also facilitate collaboration between the unit and other departments in the facility. Additionally, the managers in the institution will present adequate resources and support systems to ensure the nurses make better decisions. Decisions can also be made by different caregivers, physicians, and practitioners in the unit. Guidelines will be presented promptly to ensure desirable results are recorded. Constant improvements can also be considered depending on the needs of different patients in the unit (King et al., 2015). The adoption of the total patient care nursing model can make a difference for the ICU unit and deliver high-quality services to every patient. The approach will ensure the levels of patient safety and satisfaction increase significantly in the ICU.


The outlined models show conclusively that nurses can consider various processes to support their patients. What comes out clearly from the above concepts is that nurses must be on the frontline to utilize their competencies and knowledge. The practice can make it easier for them to transform the experiences of their patients. This discussion has informed me about the importance of applying the best nursing model that resonates with the needs of the targeted unit. For example, the total patient care and primary nursing models can make a difference in ICUs. The important thing is for hospitals to empower nurses and equip them with the right resources. I have also learned that nurses can exploit various models depending on the targeted healthcare results. I am also planning to read different materials to acquaint myself with various nursing care models that can support the needs of my patients in the future.


Carabetta, M., Lombardo, K., & Kline, N. (2013). Implementing primary care in the perianesthesia setting using a relationship-based care model. Journal PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 28(1), 16-20. Web.

King, A., Long, L., & Lisy, K. (2015). Effectiveness of team nursing compared with total patient care on staff wellbeing when organizing nursing work in acute care wards: A systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 13(11), 128-168. Web.

Kutzleb, J., Rigolosi, R., Fruhschien, A., Reilly, M., Shaftic, A. M., Duran, D., & Flynn, D. (2015). Nurse practitioner care model: Meeting the health care challenges with a collaborative team. Nursing Economic$, 33(6), 297-304. Web.

Nadeau, K., Pinner, K., Murphy, K., & Belderson, K. M. (2017). Perceptions of a primary nursing care model in a pediatric hematology/oncology unit. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 34(1), 1-13. Web.

Polis, S., Higgs, M., Manning, V., Netto, G., & Fernandez, R. (2017). Factors contributing to nursing team work in an acute care tertiary hospital. Collegian, 24, 19-25. Web.

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