Leadership And Management Styles

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Leadership And Management Styles

What are leaders and what are managers?

Leadership is having the ability to influence, inspire, motivate and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organization. Therefore, leadership is an important and necessary skill for managers. It is an essential ability to create change and It plays an important role in affecting change and promoting development and consequently the achievement of good quality care for patients. (Gopee, N. 2014)

A Manager is someone that has the responsibility of getting things done and whos aim is to achieve the goals and objectives focused on the service users outcomes. In health and social care, their duties are to plan, organize, execute and control all the activities by using all available resources to ensure the delivery of high quality care. (Betts, P, 2000.pg,144)

What are the different styles of leadership?

Contemporary styles (Daniel Golemans Styles).

  • Commanding – Get things done and they want them done quickly. Used correctly it is better style to use when fixing problems and its faster.
  • Visionary – Inspiring those around them to become invested in the vision. They seek to motivate and get everyone on the same page.
  • Affiliative – Portray their leadership traits through promoting harmony and conflict resolution among teams.
  • Democratic- Is where leaders display a wish to consult and work with individuals and teams. Encourages collaborative teamwork. Also seeks the views of all relevant parties.
  • Pacesetting – Sets extremely high performance standards and exemplifies them themselves and is also obsessive about doing things better and faster and they also ask the same of everyone around him. They quickly pinpoints poor performers and demands more from them.
  • Coaching – Means giving lots of orders, but leaders also give lots of support (Gaille, B. 2019)

Traditional styles of leadership.

  • Autocratic – Are linked to transactional X theory(McGregor theory) and typically make choices based on their ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from followers.
  • Democratic  Are linked to transformative Y Theory( McGregor theory). Is a very open and mutual style of running a team. Ideas move freely amongst the group and are discussed openly. Everyone is given a seat at the table and discussion is relatively free-flowing.
  • Delegative (Laissez-faire)  Are also linked to Transformative theory. involves taking a hands off approach where leaders allow group members to make majority of the decisions. (Moulder, P, 2015) and (Posnick, S, 2016)

Transformational leadership styles;( theory Y)

  • Visionary by modelling the way. Being a futurist.
  • Attend to each followers needs.
  • Empower their followers to perform beyond normal expectations.
  • Excellent role models. Enabling others to act.
  • Use intellectual stimulation to motivate followers to think outside the box.
  • Influencing beliefs , attitudes and behaviours.
  • Give more ideas and creative solutions.
  • Group member commitment.
  • Inspiring group vision. (Gopee,N. 2014, pg. 83)
  • High productivity
  • Transactional Leaders

Transformational management. (theory Y)

  • Can lead to Communication failures.
  • Poor decision-making by unskilled groups.
  • Minority or individual opinions overridden. (Towler, A. 2019)

Transactional management; (Theory X)

  • It eliminates confusion within the chain of command.
  • It is a simple process to implement.
  • It creates a system that is easy to follow. (Kendra, C.2019)

Transactional management style drawbacks are;

  • It creates more followers than leaders.
  • It limits the amount of innovation that is achievable.
  • It tends to focus on consequences instead of rewards.
  • It places zero value on empathy.
  • It places success within the hands of the leadership only.
  • It eliminates individuality from the production process.
  • Lacking in vision. (Towler, A.2019)

How leadership styles are changeable to situations.

By changing leadership styles the leader can take different developmental phases into account. By not categorizing all employees into one general group, the leader can take into consideration individual situations and use their Leadership styles as a tool kit. Their goal is to evaluate the ability of each worker, to lift motivation levels centring on the style which is most useful for that person. This approach enhances the effectiveness of a team and boosts the productivity of each member of the team. Because this leadership style permits changes to be made, leaders can switch between the different styles that are most effective for each skill level of its employees. (Gaille, B. 2019).

What is the importance of motivation within a team?

Motivation is the internal force to stimulate people from being lethargic into action. The importance of being motivated working within a team is so that people do not become irritated and depressed by unsuccessful attempts at making improvements to situations. This leads to a lack of inspiration in the workforce (Betts, P. 2000. pg. 150)

In Maslows (1943) Hierarchy of Needs model, Maslow made assumptions that people need to satisfy each level of need, before elevating their needs to the next higher level.

  • Advantages of this model- Gets Managers to consider the needs and aspirations of individual staff.
  • Disadvantages of this- studies show that people do not rank their needs. Other theories say that not all people

search for self-actualization – Whilst this research provides a basic framework, life is complex. (Phast, 2017).

Proactive is a behaviour, Which is learned . Being proactive is something you have to make yourself do. It takes practice. Nobody is perfect; everyone has a bad day. But, you cant always have a bad day. Practice proactively and become the person they want to be.

What happens if your team is not motivated?

The cause of poor performance in Healthcare settings, involves a number of complicated factors that are connected, this is comprised of the challenges concerning competing demands in patient care. This can add to job dissatisfaction and low motivation among healthcare professionals. For example, in healthcare organisations which are lacking in equipment and management infrastructure, can lead to poor productivity, limiting focus and abilities to perform. Consequently often resulting in the delivery of poor quality care to service users. Dagne, T. et al. 2015. 25(3)pg. 231)

How does supervision and management help with in the workplace?

Coaching is mostly for a short-term intervention aimed at performance improvement or developing a particular competence. A process that enables learning and development to occur and consequently performance improves.

Mentoring can help and support people to manage their own learning in order to maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be. Evidence suggests that mentoring is useful(KingsFund.org.UK, 205)

It is important that employees are supported in being able to reach their goals. This may include skills or knowledge training and workplace coaching or mentoring. In the workplace people must feel it is very important to try and that are supported and, where necessary are assisted directly in building their skills (Bureau. D. A, and Lawhead. J.2018).

There is clear evidence from robust studies in literature, suggesting that supportive management and staff perceptions of having effective leaders creates an environment that is associated with healthcare excellence. (Kingsfund. Org.UK,2015)

How does management effectiveness impact upon the quality of care to service users?

There is clear evidence of the link between effective leadership and a range of important outcomes within health services.

  • Patient satisfaction
  • Patient mortality
  • Organisational financial performance
  • Staff well-being
  • Turnover and absenteeism
  • Overall quality of care provided
  • Engagement (Kingsfund.org.uk, 2015)

For example, the Winterbourne View scandals, due to their management failings the impact on quality of care to the service users was so shocking and had gone on for far too long, it sparked causation to initiate significant changes to be made within the NHS framework to improve the quality agenda.

Leadership style that is used in my workplace.

Democratic leadership: Everyone is given the opportunity to participate, ideas are exchanged freely and discussion is encouraged. Whilst the democratic process tends to focus on group equality and the free flow of ideas, the leader of the group is still there to offer guidance and management. The democratic leader being the chief executive is primarily in charge with deciding who is in the group and who gets to contribute to the decisions that are made. The most important goal is that the service users are put first and that they are safeguarded at all times.

If I was the manager how would I change things?

I would Manage using a transformational leadership style. Because, this style works best when working in healthcare and is in need of big changes and improvements.

  • Build trust and improve leadership communication by sharing regular updates and give reasoning behind my decisions and changes.
  • Share organisations goals and objectives and announcements regularly.
  • Regular updates for your team members by creating status feeds so that my team could contribute to the teams goals of the week or if anyone had any obstacles and provide guidance and feedback.
  • Create automated scheduled questionnaires to ask staff How do they think can we improve?
  • Spend less time on meetings by making them more productive because everyone is on the same page at all times.
  • Share meeting agendas and meeting summaries with anyone.


  1. Betts, P.W. (2000). Supervisory management. Seventh ed. Essex , England: Pearson Education Limited, pp.55255.
  2. Dagne,T., Beyene, W and Cerhanu, N (2015). Motivation and factors affecting it among Health professional’s in the Public Hospitals, Central Ethiopia. Ethiopia Journals of Health Sciences. 25(3)pg. 231.
  3. Gaille, B. (2019). Daniel Golemans  Commanding Leadership Style. [online] Secrets to Their Success. Available at: http://secretstotheirsuccess.com/leadership-styles/daniel-golemans-commanding-leadership-style/. Accessed 22 February 2020
  4. Gopee, N. and Galloway, J. (2014). leadership and management in healthcare. 2nd ed. London: sage publications Ltd, pp.4260.
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