Impact of Terrorist Attack of 9/11 on the Security Policies of the United States of America: Analytical Essay

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Impact of Terrorist Attack of 9/11 on the Security Policies of the United States of America: Analytical Essay

Many people can tell you in great detail exactly what they were doing at the exact moment, express to you their raw emotions, as well as convey their very real fears. This unspeakable crime had no target, did not discriminate or single any one group of people out, it had no real motive other than pure hatred. Although there are thousands of stories to tell about the terrorist attack that occurred September 11th, 2001 one factor remains consistent, this despicable act of terrorism has forever reshaped America. The policies of American security has changed, foreign policies has also been reformed, as well as the way many view Islamic people.

8:46 A.M. birthed the reconstruction of American security, flight 11 carrying hundreds of people plowed into the north side of the World Trade Center. Terror was ignited along with confusion and chaos what was believed to be an accident would become crystal clear in just 17 more minutes as the other Twin tower was also hit. More lives would be lost today than the attack on Pearl Harbor. The heartbreaking story would continue to unfold with another successful attack on the Pentagon and what would have been a fourth attack where members of the plane was able to successfully take down the terrorist and crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This attack was led by 19 young Islamic extremist, although there had been warnings, threats, and attempts in the past nothing could have prepared people for the loss of almost 3,000 lives.

There has been many changes since the attack beginning with American language. What was once just a day of the year is now a very distinctive date and when mentioned everyone knows what you are referring to with very little to no explanation. Terms like Al-Quida, ground zero, and radicalism has also been added to many people vocabulary. The biggest change came with all 19 individuals who had planned on carrying out the attack successfully making it in to the country and this was alarming for many. We needed stricter security measures and needed them immediately. Just two months after the attack congress implemented Transportation Security Administration or TSA would be created to help guard airports. You are now required to present idea, go through checkpoints, as well as your baggage is screened. Many items that you can take on a plane is now regulated or all together prohibited. Before the attack airports used their own private security company but this system as evidentially too relaxed and caused the airports to be federalized. Fortified cockpits were also implemented and many removed the curtains that had been in place to separate first class from other passengers. Along with these new policies pilots can now apply to be a federal flight deck officer, they would still be a piolet but they will act on behalf of the federal government and be permitted to carry a loaded gun on the plane. These new policies are the reason for the government fees that are now tacked on when you buy a plane ticket.

Legislator was also passed due to the terrorist attack, although a total of 130 related legislation acts and 48 bills were signed into law the most recognized act is the Patriot Act more formally referred to as Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, or USA-PATRIOT. Boarder control was also taken more seriously now requiring the State Department and Immigration facilities to share immigration and Visa information with one another. Health insurance was provided to those that worked at the affected areas during the time of the attack as well as the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill was signed for soldiers. Several agencies including Naturalization and Immigration services would ban together and create what is now Homeland security. 263 government groups were either formed or recreated after the terrorist attack. After 9/11additional security measures were also taken for skyscrapers. All structures that contained more than 42 stories would implement additional stairs, fire and impact preventative walls were also added.

U.S foreign policies were also modified. After 9/11 tougher regulations to visa issuance was put into place, Pakistan has been impacted the most. Tourist visas fell by 70% and immigration visas fell by 40% compared to the previous year. With this there was also a steep drop in the number of tourist leaving the country to visit other countries. Deportation was also a common theme in this era post 9/11. According to data collected by the Department of Homeland Security deportation rates raised 104%. Deportation for Central America alone raised 430%.

The terrorist attack was referred to as an act of war. Within days of the attack a plan was already set in motion to reshape this great nation, the focus was more of a military response than diplomatic. There was additionally development away from strategy that organized relations with the extraordinary forces of Russia and China. Prior events had contrarily affected relations with the two countries causing turmoil that stretched out past the Cold War period threats and desperation divided the East and West even more. Nonetheless, Americans wanted to make an anti-terrorism alliance that would be conveyed worldwide. This brought forward some peace between the countries and encouraged them to talk and interact with each other in the name of national security. This change gives proof of a quick move made for the US best interests and this showed in international strategy. All things considered, this is a critical change that happened post-9/11, particularly as it rose out of the main reaction to the attack and served to direct US activities abroad for over 10 years following.

The center of everyones focus moved from the great powers and towards psychological oppression and terrorism, it provided an appropriate to a safe space to address security dangers by means of the three pillars of the Bush organization’s national security strategy, which had turned into a basic component of international strategy since World War II. The attack on American soil brought both dichotomy and understanding of policy together. The leaders who focus was missile protection formed pre-emption and homeland security as a solution. In spite of the fact that components of this were established in domestic strategy, the pre-emption part of arrangement was likewise show in international strategy in light of the fact that foreign policy also feared terrorist and attacks. U.S. Foreign policy also played a major role in rebuilding the country after these awful attacks.

The simple fact that the War on Terror was begun in the United States is an important reminder of the significance of the American context. The events of 9/11 took place in the US, and the War on Terror was born through the words of politicians situated within (a uniquely stunned) American society. (Jack Holland). There has been very few wars that have been fought on American soil so this was very new to the American people as well as government leaders. The world watch these events unfold and there was a sense of disbelief that this would occur in America. The biggest changes came merely from the location of the attack, Lebovic wrote in his book Deterring International Terrorism and Rogue States: US National Security Policy after 9/11:

US policymakers have pursued policies that require the US to do everything without concern for resources, trade-offs, overreach, and the unintended consequences of policy. The war on terrorism has become the rallying cry for the US as it races off in multiple directions in the pursuit of open-ended policies.

Deterrence was the repetitive agenda for all, what could be done to ensure that this will never happen again while sending a message to other nations that the American people will not stand for this under any circumstances. Many critics are on edge in the US national security feud and have for the most part conceded to follow the decisions made by their nations leaders. The fight over US strategies toward supposed rebel states has been centered on execution of arrangement instead of upon its presumptions. The post-war feud over the 2003 US attack of Iraq diminished first to whether the US knowledge of Iraq’s weapons of mass obliteration was positive or negative, and afterward who was answerable for the inaccurate information that were utilized to legitimize US mediation. The issue of whether such weapons in the hands of Iraq required US military activity had been settled; and the alternative of preemptive activity against Iran and maybe North Korea stays on the table. These arrangements probably won’t work and can really undermine deterrence which was supposed to be the main goal, welcoming the outcomes that appropriation seem to fear. Unexamined suppositions additionally infest US security to go against rebel states. Policymakers neglect to recognize that aspiring US endeavors to protect against rebel state missile assaults can fuel prevention issues if driving US enemies to receive destabilizing countermeasures or to abuse the vulnerabilities of the security and in any case the adequacy of US safeguards will depend upon a US risk to rebuff guilty parties through a prevention system.

Although there has been huge leaps forward in the right direction since 9/11 there has also been some drawbacks. The wrongdoing of 19 young men has affected Islamic people as a whole. The unfortunate events of 9/11 has essentially caused many people to be discriminated against, natural born as well as immigrants. A new term, Islamophobia was birthed. The president at the time George W. Bush encouraged people not to fear Islamic people, he urged people not to single the Islamic nation out for the acts of few. The controversy hasn’t mollified from that point forward, the Muslim crusade messages from political competitors, hearings on Muslim radicalization on Capitol Hill and the contention over a proposed Islamic building close to Ground Zero has fueled the fire. Understanding the impact of the Islamic community post 9/11 is a bit difficult being that they werent a group that were really studied before the incident.

Islamic people come in many different shapes, sizes, and races being that Islam is a religion and not a race or ethnic group however, the target of most of these hateful motivated attacks are those that fall along the lines of the common stereotypes. Many women in hijabs have been attacked as well as those who have a bronze skin tone that are known to be from the Middle East. These attacks are still very much alive and current, they occur in schools, religious temples, discrimination at work, as well as everyday life. We all know how 9/11 has effect the US but no one ever wants to open the floor to discuss how it has also affected the thousands of innocent Islamic victims who beliefs do not align with extremist. Islamic people worldwide are held accountable for this attack and are now targets but the fact remains that there were only 19 guilty individuals involved. As a nation that is supposed to be united and preaches about Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Our own nations beliefs is pretty biased when they determine who to grant liberty and just too.

It is evident that the terrorist attack of 9/11 has forever reshaped the United States of America from security policies, to U.S. foreign policy and the way members of the Islamic faith are viewed. Tragedy is unfortunate but it is however a learning and growing experience, an experience that provided us an opportunity to shed light on where our country fall weak and to correct those imperfections. An opportunity to rebuild even stronger and band together. A opportunity to discuss the problems of the world on a global scale and insight change Many factors will continue to reshape our country and push us forward however through it all America will remain strong and true to our core values, a standing republic.

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