Ignorance Of Truly Effect Of Vaccination

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Ignorance Of Truly Effect Of Vaccination

Vaccination is the way how to prevent humanity before infection diseases. It is beneficial in reducing mortality and population growth. Is not only protection for us but also protection for our community. In the 18th century died 400 000 people on smallpox only in Europe. Therefore, vaccination is considered one of the greater achievements in the world. The most vaccine is for free or just for a little cost. Vaccines learn the body how to create antibodies before catching the real disease. The vaccine is including weakened or destroyed bacteria, viruses, or toxins. Also, include additives for better effectiveness and longer storage time. Vaccines were tested for years and therefore are safe. Greater danger for people is not take a vaccination and get sick as take the vaccination and get just a weak side effect. Vaccinates is not right for everyone and therefore somebody can get stronger side effect as another. Between side effects belong swelling or pain at the injection site, muscle weakness, or high fever. Sometimes can also be memory loss, hearing, or vision loss. Parents are afraid of potential long-term side effects. The biggest fear has parents from MMR vaccine. This vaccine is often time link with autism. Can be vaccination real dangerous for us or is it just ignorance of people? (Everything You Need to Know About Vaccinations.)

Autism is a neurological disorder. People with this disease have a problem with social life, communication skills; they are often upset, and is hard for them to understand information properly. They live in their own life. Some of them may need help all their life but others can live a normal life with a job and friendships. On the other hand, autistic people usually have a higher level of intelligence. Generally known, people with disabilities have a talent for something  is like a gift from God, which replaced loss in different things caused by disease. The first symptoms of autism are noticed around 15 months of the life of a baby. At the same time is administrated the first injection of the MMR. This is the reason why most parents are linking this disease with the MMR vaccine. Is hard for a parent to see how their child is healthy for a year or more and then start to notice symptoms of autism. Of course, they are looking for a reason why this happened. Therefore, was done quantum of researches with this problem. (Roberts and Harford, 2002)

In the year 1998, the study of Dr. Andrew Wakefield was published in the journal The Lance, where was presuppose link between autism and MMR. (Roberts and Harford, 2002) This study starts with one of the most significant controversies for the last years. However, it was found out that Andrew cheated on some children, who had symptoms of autism already before an experiment. The British doctor chambers decided to strike off him the list of doctors and the article was recalled from the journal. Unfortunately, the medialization of the study by Dr. Wakefield caused lower vaccination of MMR and more cases in the part of the world where was not before occurred. All studies after Wakefields had an obvious result  no evidence between MMR and autism. For experts is this link closed but is recommended to still pay attention. Studies are still in progress with new information but with the same result. The latest study with 650 000 children of which was around 1% affected by autism. Most of these children were vaccinated and results did not show any difference in rates of autism. Until today is not 100% defined, what can cause autism, singularly is, that if study disproves study, then people are taking it as incorrect, however, if it is proved that is taken as non-critic real. After many years of different studies, the link between autism and the MMR vaccine was wholly disapproved. Therefore, people do not fear this vaccine. Autism belongs to severe diseases but cannot be caused by vaccination.

Autism is not only a reason why parents are afraid to give their children vaccinations. World health organizations find out more misconceptions. (WHO | Six common misconceptions about immunization.) One of these is that people think, that they do not need a vaccination if the disease is already disappearing and they carry on better hygiene and sanitation. It is normal that amount of people with the disease is dropped after some time of using the specific vaccine. However, if people stop vaccinating themselves, the result can be fatal. In the year 1974 in Great Britain was cut vaccination for whooping cough. About 4 years later this step caused 100 000 cases and 36 death. This is an obvious result of what can happen after stop vaccination.

Another misunderstanding consists of the idea that multiple vaccinations can overload childrens immune systems and increase the risk of side effects. Can childrens small bodies handle these vaccines? Recommended vaccines are combined effectively and are not a greater risk for side effects. Moreover, childrens immune system is everyday receiving new antigens through eating food or bacteria live on the surface of their body. The vaccine is formulated to give the vulnerable baby from an early age the best immunization. Vaccination starting from the inactive form of the vaccine to live vaccine at a later age.

Often is the unknown cause of disease. People are trying found out the cause but sometimes not really successful. In the ignorance of truth, people can believe in any misconception. Publication in newspapers or the internet can bring educational information but sometimes can bring also false information. Results can be catastrophic. The publication of Dr. Wakefields research convinced people about the link between the MMR vaccine and autism. This causes lower vaccination and more cases of people with autism. Till today people still believe in the faked research of Dr. Wakefield. How one article changed the lives of people in the whole world. It is someone not sure about the safety of vaccination, he can ask his doctor and assure him about his attitude to vaccination. It is normal that we as a people looking for reasons of causes. But scientists are every day working on a different kinds of research to ensure us about truth. Therefore, is vaccination a big help for the world?

If somebody does not give her child vaccination, threatens the health and health of all society. People should be aware of facts and not believe in nonsense – vaccination safe life millions of people.

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