Ethical Dilemmas Of Modern Society

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Ethical Dilemmas Of Modern Society

Ethical dilemmas are in our everyday lives and affect society whether someone has a christian worldview or not. Some dilemmas that are in effect in todays society are the following: Pornography, Abortion, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Religious Tolerance, etc. A case study with a man named Tj comes to the picture, his ethical dilemma being addiction to pornography. He believes he is in no way of harming anyone while in the act of masturbating and secretly enjoying pornography behind closed doors. He then finds out the dark truth behind the porn industry and how most women are forced on this act. Tj now questions his actions: should he continue this life style? or should he change his behavior? He will now analyze with his his values, and core beliefs.

Ethical Dilemma

The act of viewing pornography in todays world is now being somewhat normalized. However, it shall not be. This scenario is quite difficult to make an ethical decision because it may seem as if you are not harming anyone when committing this act, however you are viewing porn actors and some are going against their will and in human trafficking. It may also be challenging for TJ because he has developed an addiction of masturbating and to watching porn. In order for Tj to break this cycle of addiction, he should reflect on his actions and seek God for guidance. A therapist or an addiction councilor may also help and change his behavior.

Core Beliefs

In a Christian worldview it is unlawful to view a woman and to have sexual desires for her if it is not your spouse. For example Matthew 5:28 says& But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart (ESV). The bible answers this ethical dilemma by saying that viewing a woman with sexual thoughts can lead to wrongful actions and taking advantage of that woman. In Gods eyes we are perfect and shall use our bodies in a clean way, however taking in this action, Tj is using his body for his own desires and temptations. In the bible God also says that anyone who is sexually immoral will not reside in Gods Kingdom (1 Corinthians 6: 9-11). Therefore, if Tj quits his disruptive behavior he shall find goodness in his heart (


This act can be resolved in the Christian worldview by looking at the bible and having a deep understanding of God and how He can fix this ethical dilemma. First, TJ must admit to his sin and ask for forgiveness in his actions. He should be completely transparent to God and admit what he has is wrong. In a christian worldview and in the bible it is said to confess your sins& Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working (James 5:16). A Christian blogger by the name of Jack Wellman says, that confessing to other believers and then praying for now another can heal us. Although addiction may cause isolation, there is still hope. You can have everlasting freedom by finding God and asking for help. It will bring peace into your everyday life. (Butcher,2015).


The unintended consequences for resolving this ethical dilemma is having to fight the urge to act on sexual desires. Jesus said when discussing about sin, if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members that that your whole body go into hell (Matthew 5:30). Jesus did not mean this literally but to take away an temptation to sin in order to live everlasting life. A benefit when overcoming this ethical dilemma is finding peace within yourself and having a more better perspective on self love. If TJ were to overcome his addiction he will successful be able to control his urges and sexual desires. Overcoming addiction will bring purity and integrity.


Many Christians struggle with addiction in pornography, luckily they have a God they can look up to and find a solution. A question may arise, How can an atheist find a solution to this ethical dilemma? The Christian worldview has its morals and 10 commandments to follow when in their walk of life. The atheism worldview does not, it is more on the individuals morals and understandings. An atheist can overcome addiction by finding some sort of support system and maybe even a recovery program. There are many support groups that can fit in an atheist worldview that does not focus on spiritual solution. SMART Recovery provides a 4-step plan to fighting a pornography addiction that is not religious based. 1.Building and Maintaining motivation 2. Coping with urges 3. Managing thoughts, feelings and behaviors 4. Living a balanced life. (Haden, 2019). These 4 steps can help fight a pornography addiction in an atheism worldview.


Struggling with an ethical dilemma such as an addiction to pornography and masturbation can affect an individuals life, but understanding that you have a problem is the first step to recovery. TJs ethical dilemma may seem as if there is no way out, however if he looks up to God and confesses his sin, he will find peace and an everlasting life. Other worldview such as atheism, have a recovery plan that can help an individual with the same ethical dilemma. Everyone struggles with some sort of sin and everyone has a different journey to recovery. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress (Psalm 107:6) TJ should seek help from the Lord and ask for freedom from his trouble.

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