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To develop a business case for the industry to pursue a modern and comprehensive human resource information system to replace the current systems. The new system is aimed at improving employees access to track their careers and enhance the management hiring process. The human resource information system will improve the payroll functions while automating the HR processes that are not only costly but time-consuming.


The new systems promise considerable financial savings. This explains the company wishes to use the savings for developmental initiatives. To meet the predicted growth, the organization needs a streamlined HR system capable of promoting growth, saving money, and being of use to employees. The project entails the selection and implementation of a modern human resource information system across the company. The needs of the organization are first established, after which the most appropriate HRIS is selected from reputable vendors. After it has been implemented, the HRIS system will be monitored continuously and the adjustments made.


It is aimed at enabling standardized human resource business processes, improving efficiency, and eliminating the need for numerous shadow systems. A new human resource system will offer tracking capabilities of workers and information on new positions that support enhanced decision making by the management  particularly through on-demand analysis of data and reporting.

Success Criteria or Expected Benefits

GenRays Company will utilize the following success criteria to determine the success of the human resource information system.


The time spent in processing employees details and transactions will be reduced to complement the new strategy. The reduction of time consumed in administrative work allows enough time for the core operations of the organization that are paramount for productivity. The company will attain efficiency if the present HR officers can manage the workers without the need to outsource further assistance.


Organizational strategy and growth can be evaluated with the HR component. As a result, the success of the HR component influences the efficiency of its personnel.

System usage

The human resource information system will facilitate effective monitoring of daily operations and user behavior.

User satisfaction

System user satisfaction is important in implementing HR strategies and objectives. As a result, the human resource department constitutes the user population of the organization. Thus, a simple user interface will guarantee employee satisfaction and productivity. Consequently, a successfully implemented system is evaluated based on consumer satisfaction, improved services, and efficiency.

Quality of technology

If the technical aspect of the system is satisfactory, workers will be efficient and productive. As a result, unskilled personnel will be trained to improve service delivery and productivity.


  • Automatic generation of expense reports and paychecks
  • Increase transparency in the hiring process
  • Improve management standards for employment and uniform job description
  • Allocating qualified personnel to each resource department
  • Assisting workers to develop a career track that is in line with their personal goals
  • Easy access to and processing of HR information


The project will be financed after budget approval by the management. Company profits and savings will be used to implement and operate the new HR system.

Major Deliverables

The HR deliverables for the new systems will align the firms objective with business operations. As a result, business trends, employee satisfaction, and productivity will be achieved. The deliverables will assist HR professionals to overcome the challenges of organizational change. Consequently, the deliverables will improve the efficiency of a trained and motivated workforce. The deliverables include recruitment and selection process framework, performance management systems, HRMIS selection, and implementation guidelines, remuneration and incentives architecture, competency profiles and frameworks, personality assessment, and audit skill.

  • Recruitment and selection process framework: The framework for the recruitment and selection process will be given to the vendor. The framework for performance management
  • Performance management systems: The framework for performance management systems will be made available.
  • HRMIS selection and implementation guidelines: The blueprint for this deliverable will be given to the HR vendor.
  • Remuneration and incentives architecture: The blueprint for this deliverable will be given to the HR vendor.
  • Competency profiles and frameworks: The blueprint for this deliverable will be given to the HR vendor.
  • Personality assessment: The blueprint for this deliverable will be given to the HR vendor.
  • Audit skill: The blueprint for this deliverable will be given to the HR vendor.
  • Presence of HR database software: This software will permit active operations and management of the database (Michael, Mohan & Richard, 2011).

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance of the deliverables is an essential part of the system users taking ownership of the newly implemented system. It is associated with individual project milestones or tasks.

Milestone Schedule

The final project report will include all deliverables, charter requirements, and goals of the project. A good project closure report should include a summary of the project plan, changes in the scope of the project, lessons learned from the project, budget, schedule, and the performance metrics used during the project.

Five Topics for the HRIS Project

The purpose for closure

The reasons for project closure will be relayed to stakeholders. As a result, the meeting will include the project sponsor, senior leadership, project manager, and plant managers. The project accomplishment will be relayed to the stakeholders.

The new GenRays Human Resources Information System (HRIS) project has been closed. The project accomplished all the tasks, deliverables, and milestones. The new system allows human resource responsibilities, automated service delivery, career tracking, automated e-forms, central database systems, simple payroll systems, and company benefits.


Project milestones include initial planning, technical requirement, hardware and software procurement, hardware and software installation, implementation, and support. Milestones will be scheduled with the plan and completion dates. This information will be circulated across influential stakeholders.

Milestone Planned Completion Date Actual Completion Date
Initial Planning 1/5/2016 1/5/2016
Technical Requirements 2/9/2016 2/9/2016
Procurement of Hardware and Software 4/6/2016 4/6/2016
Hardware and Software installation 6/1/2016 6/1/2016
Implementation of the HRIS 7/6/2016 7/6/2016
HRIS Support Ongoing Ongoing

Project scope and changes

Project scope, changes, impact, associated costs, schedule implications, and performance issues will be summarized in the third discussion topic. Consequently, documents will be displayed to validate each item listed above. Managers will organize the project scope because it influences the completion dates for each task. As a result, each task must be scheduled, budgeted, and reported on the project timeline. Consequently, the stakeholders will receive daily reports prior to and during the implementation phase. The project completion will improve the implementation of a new system for the purchase, finance, and accounting departments. The new HRIS will improve employee satisfaction, job specialization, and cost reduction.

Project records

The Project Manager is responsible for task documentation and safekeeping. As a result, project deliverables, requirements, scope, adjustments, budget, and risk assessment plan are available to stakeholders.

Lessons learned

Reports will be relayed for future projects to ensure a smooth transition. As a result, project risks, challenges, solutions, and opportunities will be reported. Documentations will be provided in the lessons we learned through the project implementation periods. After the closure report has been submitted, the project manager needs to make sure the information is accessible. Team members will be selected based on competence and experience. Consequently, the team organization, communication, reliability, and productivity will be evaluated based on the projects success. As a result, members with poor task completion will be informed to avoid future occurrences.

The Milestone Summary for the New HRIS

Task Deliverables / Dates of completion
Phase 1: Preparation and initialization
Assessing project requirements
Software and hardware analysis
Project charter
Kick-start project
Data systems installations
Data integration
Software and hardware installation
The signing of the kick-off document
Phase 2: a blueprint
HIRS implementation
Business process document
Reviewing of the Blueprint Sign-off document
Phase 3: The realization
Data integration
Assign project team
Project plan recommendation and approval
System testing
Integrate system payroll
Testing of scenarios and acceptance test document
Manual for system installation
Sign-off document
Phase 4: Finalization
Hardware and software testing
Payroll analysis
System testing
Training the end-user
Preparation of production system
Finalization review
User manuals and training materials
Sign-off document
Phase 5: Going live and support
Provision of production support
System live
Perform ending review
Sign-off document

Approval Requirements

This project is highly sensitive and requires attention prior to and during implementation. It is crucial for company executives to be consulted prior to the purchase and installation of high-tech computers. Informing the relevant authorities is of the essence for the approval of any human resource information system during the initial phases of installation. Prior to the installation of the database systems, teamwork, resilience, and operational management will influence productivity. This will help to facilitate amendments of the project in real-time and consequently avoid wastage of time, labor, and most importantly money.

Project Manager

Skilled personnel will be needed to provide guidance and coordination for this project implementation. As a result, the skilled employee will be assigned the role of a project manager.

Project Scope Description

The new HRISM will begin in January 2016 and end in July 2016. The project will be evaluated based on the objectives of the organization. The features of the project implementation phase include recruiting capabilities, succession planning, employee database, e-forms, payroll capabilities, position control, and central database systems.

The project deliverables after completion will be summarized

  • Efficient recruitment capabilities
  • Efficient succession plan
  • Robust and automated employee database
  • A central database system
  • An efficient e-forms network
  • Efficient payroll capabilities
  • Position control

According to Ankrah and Sokro (2012) human resource information system is a technology used in the collection, storing, and analysis of a firms operations and transactions. It is an online solution used for data entry purposes. It has the potential to handle so many issues within a firm. As a result, the system manages workers information, analyze, report employee information, and store the applicants tracking details.

Contrary to common belief, human resource information systems go beyond software application and computer hardware to employee satisfaction and organizational growth. It includes the employees, policies, procedures, and the data needed to manage the human resource functions as described by Yeh (2012). The core business components of the system include employee information, management of payroll, and the benefits it offers.

Customer Requirements

  • Assist workers to develop a career track that aligns with their personal goals
  • Permit transparency in the hiring process
  • Management needs a that evaluates competent workforce
  • Automatic processing of expense reports and paychecks

Statement of Work

Team members will unify the project requirements to sustain the project deliverables. The project requirements include deliverables, client software, data integration software, system licenses, payroll protocol, and recruitment guide, and end-user guide.

The vendor shall offer sufficient management training to ensure that tasks are performed accurately, efficiently, and comply with the set out requirements. The vendor will designate one manager to monitor and supervise the assigned staff. Consequently, monthly performance reports that outline the expenditures, billings, progress status, and challenges encountered in performing these tasks will be provided.

The vendor will prepare a project management plan that will need the approval of the government. A draft should be submitted together with the cost and technical proposals for this project. The project management plan will be useful in managing, tracking, and evaluating the performance of the project manager. It will include control policies and procedures as laid down in the industry-standard practices for the administration, implementation, and tracking of the project.

Project Deliverables

The vendor will be required to submit all the described deliverables to the project manager at the address already provided. If the deliverable size needs to be placed upon a CD, the vendor shall prepare and then deliver to the support center with a separate envelope for every address.

  • Recruitment and selection process framework: The framework for the recruitment and selection process will be given to the vendor. The framework for performance management
  • Performance management systems: The framework for performance management systems will be made available.
  • HRMIS selection and implementation guidelines: The blueprint for this deliverable will be given to the HR vendor.
  • Remuneration and incentives architecture: The blueprint for this deliverable will be given to the HR vendor.
  • Competency profiles and frameworks: The blueprint for this deliverable will be given to the HR vendor.
  • Personality assessment: The blueprint for this deliverable will be given to the HR vendor.
  • Audit skill: The blueprint for this deliverable will be given to the HR vendor.
  • Presence of HR database software: This software will permit active operations and management of the database (Michael, Mohan & Richard, 2011).
Major Deliverable Details Completed
Initial Planning Include charter, scope, WBS dictionary, scheduling report, meeting with team members. Yes
Procurement of Hardware and Software Research and select the best hardware and software to support the HRIS. Yes
Hardware and Software installation Install program, server, and configuration for new HRIS. Yes
Technical Requirements Provide technical assistance to team members Yes
Implementation of the HRIS Install HRIS software for HR department workstations. Provide training classes for HR staff on how to use the new system. Accepted the feedback from testers, reviewed it, and changed. Yes
HRIS Support The support includes HRIS application, upgrades, configuration changes, server issues, and backup. Yes

The project deliverables for the new HIRS include a project plan, presentations, end-user training, decommission, database, test environment, presentation, and purchases.

The project team relied on face-to-face interviews with departmental heads and employees. As a result, the project team generated eight criteria. The requirement includes human resource responsibilities, automated service delivery, career tracking, automated e-forms, central database systems, simple payroll systems, and company benefits.

The government certification of satisfactory services offered is contingent upon the vendors acting according to the terms and conditions detailed in the referenced agreement and all amendments.

Work Breakdown Structure

WBS Item Description Responsible Deliverables
Title of Project
  • Project initialization
  • Project evaluation
  • Identify project team
  • Develop project plan
Resource Project Deliverable 1
  • Create a plan
  • Evaluate project scope
  • Project approval
Project Manager Project plan
  • Create a communication plan
Project Manager Communication plan
  • Budgeting
  • Project deliverables
  • Project requirement
  • Identify suppliers
Resource Project Deliverable 2
  • Create a budget
  • Procure system integration tools
  • Integrate HIRS
Project Manager Electronic copies of the deliverables
  • Progress reports
  • Risk assessment
  • Testing phase
  • Live testing
Vendors Performance and progress reports, billings, and expenditure

Project Boundaries

The project only entails the implementation of a human resource information system within the human resource department of the company.

Project Assumptions

  • The following assumptions were used during the preparation of the project plan:
  • The employees are willing to adapt to the new system in order to take advantage of the functionality provided by the new system
  • The company management will make sure that the project team members will be available whenever needed to ensure the completion of project tasks and objectives
  • The project team members shall adhere to the specified communications plan
  • All the participants will comply with guidelines identified in the plan
  • The project plan is subject to change on an ongoing basis as fresh information is revealed
  • The entire management of the company will foster support and also embrace the goals and objectives of the project

Initial Defined Risks and Constraints

Risk Impact Likelihood of Occurrence
Degree of Impact
Action Trigger Responsibility Response Plan
Unrealistic expectations System failure L H Improper and inadequate research The management of the company Reviewing the expectations of the project
Underestimation of the conversion effort Unsuccessful implementation of the system L M Improper planning and forecasting The project manager and the management team Careful planning from the very beginning and realistically monitor the progress
Poor communication Delays M M Failure to determine proper channel of communication The management and the project manager Deciding on the best channels of communication and chain of command
Inadequate testing Delays and failures in the ultimate functioning of the system H H Poor quality control strategies The management, vendors, and the project managers Putting in place immediate ways and schedules of testing the functionality of the system
Improper product selection Delays and escalating costs and system solving the wrong organizational problem L H Poor and improper assessment of organizational needs The management Adequate assessment of the HR department needs of the company
Unclear goals and objectives Wastage of organizational time and resources L H Inadequate assessment of the needs of the organization and little employee involvement The management Going back to the drawing board and ensuring high employee engagement
  • Key: L = low, M = medium, H = high

GenRays Matrix Template

Project Management Knowledge Areas Recommended Tool(s) Justification for Tool
Project Integration Management Expert judgment
Simple techniques
Facilitation methods
Expert experience and skills are needed to facilitate the start and completion of the project. The term expert judgment refers to specific procedures or techniques that facilitate the decision-making process of project management. As a result, expert judgment eliminates multiple or similar information using specific criteria. Thus, project integration management requires expert judgment to provide a solid foundation prior to and during project implementation. Thus, expert judgment relies on team cooperation, specialized skill, brainstorming, and experience for a specific project.

The term simple techniques provide team members with management tools to improve operations. The procedures or methods for project integration management include brainstorming, strategic analysis, strategic alliance, conflict resolution, team play, and problem-solving techniques. Brainstorming techniques include questioning, individual, directed, guided, team mapping, and group passing.

Project Scope Management Expert judgment
Coordination and teamwork
Useful to avoid deviations from the originally intended scope of the project. Expert judgment facilitates project implementation processes. As a result, skilled personnel will have direct access to the project guide.
Team cooperation to support the project implementation phase. As a result, members will organize meetings and seminars to update project reforms, changes, challenges, critical paths, and project scope. As a result, the meetings will enhance the project scope management.
Project Time Management Expert judgment
Analytical methods
Acts as a guide for task accomplishment. The recommended tool for the project implementation requires expert judgment. As a result, task comprehension, operation, and completion must be calculated prior to the implementation phase. Experts rely on experience and informed knowledge to improve project time.
Project time management requires analytical techniques to improve the operational timeline. Consequently, team experts will improve employees productivity using accurate time rating techniques.
Project Cost Management Cost of quality
Expert judgment
Facilitate the effective and efficient allocation of finances, which prevents wastage.
The project cost management tool requires expert judgment to ensure accurate estimates. Expert judgment relies on previous work estimates, experience, and bill of quantity. As a result, team members can approve project costs based on informed knowledge.
Team members conduct the regular meeting to ensure project alignment. As a result, the project budget and expenditure can be monitored to ensure compliance.
Project Quality Management Experimental designs
Expert judgment
Very effective as it allows team members to use standards and make necessary adjustments. Experimental designs classify the influences of project variables for quality assurance and management. As a result, managers can analyze factors, levels, and the response of the project quality management using specific designs of the experiment. Thus, experimental designs will align project implementation with quality management.
Team meetings will advance quality implementation processes. As a result, the HRIS tool will enhance project quality management. Expert judgment will rely on quality management tools used for similar projects.
Project Human Resource Management Teamwork
Expert judgment
It is useful in allocating tasks and resources to team members. Team network: human resource management requires project networking to improve partnership and teamwork. Consequently, the tool will assist vendors to eliminate operational cost. Expert judgment will facilitate job specialization and skill development. As a result, team managers will improve project tools to ensure productivity.
Meetings will update members with advanced tools for human resource management.
Project Communications Management Communication technology
Expert judgment
Communication tool
Defines appropriate channels of communication It prevents unnecessary delays or poor communication that affects project implementation.
Project stakeholders rely on communication requirements to improve team performance. As a result, team members will test information tools to ensure project completion.
Experts use the tools to improve communication channels prior to and during the project implementation phase. As a result, project information will be received at various levels.
Project Risk Management Expert judgment
Analytical methods
Experts rely on previous work, experience, and estimates to test project risk. As a result, risk management uses expert judgment to mitigate project challenges.
Consequently, project risk can be avoided if the manager relies on expert judgment. As a result, risk and threat to project completion can be eliminated.
Team members will rely on meetings to update current risk assessment plans. Consequently, team members will improve project opportunities to eliminate risk.
Project Procurement Management Make or buy decision
Expert judgment
Experts utilize make or buy analysis to monitor and evaluate the project procurement phase. As a result, expert judgment evaluates various internally generated resources. Thus, the cost of procurement can be reduced if managers test resource inputs and outputs prior to the project implementation phase. Consequently, the project timeline can be improved with expert judgment.
Internally generated resources can be evaluated with expert judgment.
Project managers use this tool to improve communication with suppliers and vendors. As a result, expert judgment, maker or buy analysis, and meetings facilitate project procurement management.
Project Stakeholder Management Management skills
Expert judgment
Managers use this tool to evaluate people that influence the project. As a result, managers will identify, prioritize, and understand influential stakeholders for the project.
Expert judgment can be used to allocate the roles of influential stakeholders. As a result, the stakeholders list must be updated at regular intervals.
The tools will update team members prior to and during the project. As a result, team members will identify infl

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